Chemically Platonic (04) Mouths and Legs

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The wooden boards creaked beneath my weight with each step towards the upper deck. Along the sides were large glass pieces making this look very insecure with the amount of people hovering upon it. Personally, I didn't even know who's home this was, all it was; was the place where our school tended to throw parties much like this one. No parents, close to the beach and always had alcohol bottles full or empty.

            I should pitch the idea of gathering these bottles for recycling and using the money to fund our graduation, it would be ironic and cost effective. Why would I even care if there was a possibility in me not even being able to attend my graduation? This year was supposed to be a time of making friends and memories that would last a life time not sleeping with boys in exchange of getting a passing chemistry mark.

            Well this night took a gloomy turn to begin with. I despised yet envied all these students being so carefree while I struggled to make the mark. Dumb people that barely attended obviously had done something right. Maybe it was just genes and I had gotten a bad batch.  

            By the time it took for me to walk from one side of the deck to the other I had been shoved and someone had spilled a good portion of their beer all over my shirt. I held it away from my body although my skin was alright wet and it stuck from first contact. It felt unusually and it was unwelcoming.

            Rolling my eyes I entered the sliding doors which lead into the kitchen. Girls sat on the counters intertwined with their significant others or possibly the men that could find themselves in a fight later tonight. These were the coy girls; they could possibly be the slutty girls or even just the average girls enjoying a crazy night out having a little or too much fun.    

            "Juliette. Jules." The voice was high pitched and irritating, it also belonged to Amber.

            "Amber," My voice wasn't as pleased seeing her.

            I should have known that the king and queen of high school were required to attend every party or risk getting their asses kicked off the thrones and replaced by the next couple to screw up stairs and commit the walk of shame down the stairs. Everyone really knows what happens up there.

            It was a known concept that I had the biggest crush on Dawson Dwight. He was smart, funny and good looking; all the things a girl looks for in a guy. A high school hottie worth me doodling his name all over my grade eleven science notebook. She went up stairs with him and came down twenty minutes later as the queen of high school, snagging the cute boy but she happened to ruin our friendship without saying a single word.

            "I didn't expect to see you here," She smiled but all I could picture was her walking down those stairs holding Dawson's hand, watching my jaw drop with a look of triumph over her face.

            My stomach almost heaved, with any luck it would be directed at her smug face.

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