Chemically Platonic (09) Mages, Tanks and Heals, Oh My

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"You're early," Sam stuttered as he pulled his headset slowly off his head giving me a look of shock.

"I'm sorry that you didn't profile that I was punctual," I snickered standing outside his door waiting patiently to be invited in. I crossed my arms as the breeze blew looking over my shoulder at my brother, who was still waiting in the truck.

"Who is that?" Sam asked peering over my shoulder.

My brother was too busy making obscene gestures with his hands to notice my glare as I forcibly stepped into Sam's house, pushing him back by his shoulders. My lack of politeness didn't faze Sam.

"Like, you're really early," he reiterated with a dazed look across his face.

"Yeah, well it was either now or I had to walk," I stated simply although for some reason the connection wasn't clicking in Sam's brain.

It was almost if he was so smart that he couldn't process the simplest things like what colors are primary colors but he could recall over twenty digits of pie. I rolled my eyes at his wavering gaze.

"What?" I asked watching his mouth open before he shut it again-"Don't you dare tell me I'm early again," I spat pointing my finger in is direction.

A wide smirk spread across his face laughing at my angered reaction. He pulled his headset from around his neck and casually held it in his hand as I heard swears coming through the muffled speakers.

"One second," he hesitated leaving me unattended in his household. Sam had only taken two steps before turning around and giving me a strange hand gestured-"Stay right here," Sam slowly backed away as if I was a wild animal about to lunge at him if he made any sudden movements.

"Mom," he called out after he had disappeared somewhere throughout the house. I stayed with my feet planted in the doorway, arms crossed and a scowl on my face. It had only been thirty seconds and I was already growing impatient with Sam's return.

"Mother," he called out about getting more frustrated with no reply. I laughed out loud almost shocked that he didn't call his mother by her first name.

"What Sam?" She replied in a rather humanist way. Well then... so I guess he really wasn't raised by robots. A silly smirk spread across my face.

"You'll need to set another place for dinner okay?" he asked and I heard no reply.

I assumed that his mother had given him a non-verbal gesture much like my mom does when she is too busy to answer my. My mom was the queen of the shoulder shrug.

Sam, appeared again quickly after the conversation was over. He gestured for me to follow him as I wiggling my way out of my shoes and placing them on the mat, on top of the mountain of sneakers. I followed him through what looked like the sitting room as he led me to a door marked "Mordor".

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