Chemically Platonic (20) Sun, Sand and Sam

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Getting every member of the nerd herd out to the beach was a difficult task. There were promises of ice-cream, fries and endless fun but the only thing that made them budge was the promise of pokestops and the chance of water type Pokémon. Bailee might have assisted in the persuasion. It was an unthinkable mission but as I finished grabbing my belongings from the truck I saw everyone gathered under a large colorful umbrella.

To my surprise The Gremlin wasn't still on his laptop somehow.

I figured they spent enough time huddled inside. By the pale complexions ahead of me I confirmed my assumptions were true. The main beach was always overly crowded. Your towel was usually only inches from someone's sandcastle, kids tossing sand around or pubescent boys ogling at every pair of breast.

From this far away they almost seemed like normal teenagers. I knew that once I got closer it would become more apparent that these were inside basement teenagers instead of active normal individuals.

"Juliette," I heard an exaggerated screech upon my approach.

A body flung themselves from among the group. She jogged over to me with enthusiasm, flinging sand everywhere. I heard the mumbles of protest to the mouths full of sand.

"Violet," I greeted with equal excitement. With a swift hand I moved my glasses to the top of my head. My eyes took moments to adjust to the light.

"So?" I asked too hungry with curiosity to wait, "How'd it go with Dominic?" The giddy feeling inside my stomach was burning up my esophagus and spewing out like word vomit. "I wanna know every single detail."

She let out a giggle as we linked arms and heading towards Sam and the rest of the group.

My toes hit hot sand as my feet sunk in, almost losing my flip-flops. The breeze blew stray strands of hair into my face as I looked off into the calm sea. The waves were nearly non-existent compared to Sam and I's first close encounter. Remembering my struggle in getting Sam to skinny dip I was surprised I had gotten him this close to the ocean a second time.

"He invited me to go to Italy for a couple weeks this summer." The decibel she was able to reach was unimaginable.

The multitude of dog's ears perked within a kilometer of her.

"Seriously?" my tone matched hers. I was excited and I wasn't even the one with the hot Italian boyfriend who invited me to Italy.

"Oh my God," I spoke again unable to contain my excitement.

At first I had been skeptical of Violet and her overseas relationship. Since when do you hear a couple's get together story start with 'we met playing World of Warcraft'? I guess in the generation of Tinder and Snapchat it wasn't too foolish.

"I'm so glad I took your advice." There was a tight squeeze on my arm. "We would really go nowhere unless we had that awkward conversation about where this is going," her smile gleamed.

Since I've known Violet, I've never seen her so happy. She had kept her affairs rather secret; too afraid of judgement from the rest of the group. After several long discussions between us, she had become for public with her boyfriend. Her rather hot Italian boyfriend.

"We all understand why you would have wanted to keep him all to yourself. If I had guy that looks like that I'd probably lock him up too," I laughed as Violet released my arm and returned to her beach chair.

"I think you're in trouble Sam," Joel snickered from behind me. He sat relaxed under the cover of the large umbrella.

"Why?" Sam asked although he didn't sound overly interested in the conversation.

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