Chemically Platonic (15) Broken Vessels

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 "Hey, Jules." I groaned in response. There was only one person cocky enough to utter that name, with that tone of voice and not be afraid of me punching them in the face.

I let my head fall into my locker. The fabric of my backpack scrapped against my face but it was better than seeing Amber hovering by my locker.

"What, Amber?" My tone was my usual 'what the fuck do you want Amber?' tone.

The more occurrences I have with Amber, the more the idea that she is my very own God given test on my patience is enforced. I'd have to apologize to God when I see him because even after all these years, I hate that bitch.

"Hi, Juliette." Another smaller voice appeared. This one was less high pitched and didn't make my blood boil.

Slowly, I pulled my head out of my locker, glad that it wasn't an oven. I still needed this noggin to pass my exams. Sighing, I finished grabbing my textbooks. It was too early to deal with this bullshit.

Slamming my locker, I made it aware that I wasn't pleased with this. Was it obvious that I wasn't a morning person? It would take an idiot not to notice but I was greeted with smiling faces. Amber's was one I'd knock off but Wynter smiled at me kindly.

If only Wynter was enough positive to rule of Amber's negativity.

"Yes, Wynter." Even if I liked her the scowl across my face wouldn't disappear.

"Everything okay?" She inquired giving me a puzzled expression.

I leaned against my locker, my shoulder pressing into the grey metal. My eyes narrowed on her and her curly mop of hair. I took me physically biting my tongue to hold back my snide comment about her looking at the crease of my boyfriend's jeans.

"Of course," I shook my head. It was ridiculous to still be mad at her for that. "Sorry," I faked a smile for appearance sake.

"What can I do you for?" I questioned.

Once my less than stellar mood improved it was shown on their faces. Wynter went from concerned to appearing overly cheerful. Both the girls stood with flyers in their hands. I knew very well that they weren't homework or study material because let's face it, Amber has never studied a day in her life.

Wynter, pulled a stack from her pile. She paused awkwardly seeing that my hands were filled with textbooks and material's Sam wished were finished. Instead she set the document onto what seemed like my never ending pile.

"It's the information for our graduation trip. As the social committee we're gathering our numbers. We'll have everything taken care of. Here's a list of supplies, dates and stuff." By the look she was giving me she was expecting me to be nodding in agreement and terribly excited about our graduation trip.

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