Chemically Platonic (10) Settlers & Queens

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"Suck it bitches, Barbarians are here and I have the most knights so I just got the last victory point I needed to win," I exclaimed, smacking my hands together in triumph.

"Seriously," I heard the collective groans of the sore losers. They had clearly undermined my conniving capabilities and the fact that I wasn't above playing dumb.

Eventually, Violet and Joel had shown up joining the party as Sam pulled out a game of Settlers of Catan. When Sam had explained the rules and the concept, the game seemed boring and lame. Once I realized it was demolishing someone else's cities, I was sold.

"Rematch," Martin begged as everyone began clearing their pieces off the board.

I gathered all my walls, cities, towns and my concurring knights. I had laid claim to the green pieces as I handed in all my resources to Sam who basically was the banker. This may not have been Monopoly but it could defiantly ruin friendships... probably marriages, although Mrs. And Mr. Biggs seemed happy.

"Rematch for all the marbles?" Sam raised an eyebrow towards me, questioning if I was willing to be dethroned.

Beginner's luck I heard Bailee muttered as I realized that she was the biggest sore loser that I had ever had the honor of defeated without mercy.

"And what marbles am I wagering?" I asked Sam who didn't have a chance to speak before Martin spoke up.

"The winner of tonight's duel decides the theme night for next weekend." The Gremlin seemed to be friendlier with me since I had shown him up with my gaming skills. I earned a strange sense of respect.

"Does that mean I'm invited over next weekend?" I sent a wink Sam's direction. He playfully blushed as he looked away.

"Certainly," Sam's dad spoke up—"Sam, reset up the board," he instructed.

"Fine but no more nepotism, alright?" he glared towards his parents.

His mother rolled his eyes—"English, Sam," she groaned and the tone sounded vaguely familiar to the one I used to use with Sam... still use with Sam.

I let out a laugh at how adorable his family was.

"He is referring to your under the table cheating and giving Nathan all the resources and commodities he needs," I snickered pointing between the three of them.

They all shrugged, acting as if I hadn't just made accusations towards them. The second round of the game hadn't started yet everyone was bickering about the woes of the last one.

The Bigg's dining room chairs were less than comfortable; not the ideal place to plot my hostile takeover. They were the standard wooden chairs. With my legs neatly tucked under my ass I sat nearly as tall as Sam, who sat beside me.

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