Chemically Platonic (16) Invitation

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"You know I never got away with this kind of crap when I was your age," Atticus pouted, hovering in the doorway. "Mom and dad would have never let me skip school and binge watch Netflix when you're not even sick." He leaned against the frame picking up small items off my dresser.

Atticus dangled a pair of my earrings seeming rather amused with himself. Over the years I had acquired a collection but mostly they were to have not to wear. Eventually he seemed to sense the negative vibes I was sending out. His head tilted giving me a weary glance.

"Well don't you just sound like the unessential forgotten child," I snickered, sticking my tongue out at him attempting to make him believe everything was okay.

He exchanged my playful glance but by the way his eyes lingering at me as I laid curled up in bed told me he didn't believe me. Out of all my brothers Atticus was my favorite. There was such an age different between me and them but that wasn't the primary cause. Alexander, Fitz, Noah, Gerald and Bennet were all athletes that kept up good grades. They now all had wives, careers and children. Things for my parents to marvel at.

Atticus fell short. He struggled in school and once he finished he didn't know what to do. He seemed like the only Harbison boy that didn't have a life plan by eighteen. I related to him in that way. I had no idea what I wanted to do and seeing Atticus made me realize that it wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

"Still feeling up to the barbeque tonight?" he asked still hovering in the door way. None of my brothers really ventured far into my room. It was too "girly" for their tastes. Too afraid they might find a bra or a tampon kicking around somewhere.

Heaven forbid.

"And miss the monthly Harbison get together?" I chuckled, "They might revoke my membership if I miss out."

The sound of the doorbell took Atticus's focus away. Since he was already on his feet and moving, I saw no need to get up. I'd been wallowing all day, only getting up to use the washroom and to eat. I'm sure my un-showered stink had seeped into the sheets, engulfing the room with an unflattering fragrance.

Footsteps stumbled up the stairs heading down the hallway. I let out a laugh. "I hope its girl guides. I have ten bucks if they have those mint flavored ones." I called out to Atticus.

Extending my hand I reached for the remote that idly rested within my new ecosystem. My comforter had been used several times has a napkin but I was just as clean as my room. Pointing the remote at my television I hit play allowing my binge watch of Orange is the New Black to continue.

"Juliette." The voice was small from the opening of my cracked door.

It felt like my stomach dropped onto the floor. The voice from my doorway was one I didn't want to hear and wasn't carrying a box of cookies. My eyes pulled away from the screen to look at Sam cowering under my icy stare.

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