Chemically Platonic (18) Dessert

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"That was interesting," Sam cleared his voice from behind me.

It startled me slightly as I watched my nieces and nephews run across the backyard. The grownups had created a circle of lawn chairs surrounding the fire pit as they got it started. Mostly it was my brother swapping stories while they sipped their beers. Their wives watched over the children and helped my mother with the multitude of dishes.

The rest of dinner went off without another argument. Sam spoke more often after I refused to speak. The anger I had boiled for a long time until I was able to simmer it down. Although these dinners usually had an outburst or two, I knew it was more stress than my parents needed.

I huffed, "Yeah, tell me about," I replied.

The sun had hidden itself away by now, behind the other houses down the street. An hour ago I had ran inside to grab a sweater due to the temperature dip. Pulling down on the sleeves I let it cover my palms.

"Is it always this entertaining here?" he questioned.

I let out a laugh. "You act like your house isn't strange or unusual." Both of us shared a chuckle. Our families were usually strange in their own ways. Mine was rather large which meant the odds of all of us getting along were slim.

"My parents are pretty weird," he contemplated the idea, agreeing with me.

"Just your parents?" I laughed at him. His parents were the most normal of all his family.

I watched as Sam ran his hand down the back of his neck. He seemed comfy wearing his typical green sweater. The awkward bubble Sam had kept himself in was popped and busted shortly after he was forced to do all the talking for the both of us. Atticus and Bennet joked around whereas Alexander and my father debated Universities and politics. They all attempted to be civilized about our outburst.

A high pitched squeal distracted us from comparing weirdness and strange behaviors. Patsy was screaming as her father chased her across the yard. By Sam's shocked expression he wasn't used to the piercing sound of a three year old little girl. From the deck I watched Bennet pick up his little one and tossing her over his shoulder. A smile spread across my face.

"I guess I'm not really helping by pestering you just like everyone else," Sam whispered as he leaned over the railing. He crossed his arms. Still hunched over he stood taller than me.

I looked over at him with a smile. My hand outreached wrapping my fingers in between his, my nails scratching at the already chipping paint.

"I think your one of the only people I haven't scared away yet and between me and you." Both of us shared a glance. "I occasionally need my ass kicked once in a while." Even if the stack of university pamphlets was daunting it was better than the alternative. I was sick of people giving up on me.

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