Chemically Platonic (03) Reticent

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"Hey you," I called down the hallway marching towards Sam who was gathered around his locker with a couple other friends I was unfamiliar with.

            When he saw me his facial expression was hard to depict. It was more of a worried appearance than what I had expected; it could have possibly been due to tone of voice I had used when shouting down the hallway with my intimidating approached.  I was prepared to chew him a new one for yesterday and his words.

            Sam seemed fragile, like a scared baby deer that was frightened of loud noises and any sudden movements. I needed to remind myself to stop being so blunt and straight forwards with him, lessening my approach would take time. I'd grown into a sarcastic, egotistical person but that was something I could never shrug.

            "Juliette?" He hissed as if I had just blown our cover in a top secret mission.

            Sam's brown eyes glanced over to his friend, his facial expression worried as if all had been foiled already. Tilting my head I looked at his friends who were more confused by Sam's secrecy than my startling lack of introduction to their pitiful social gathering.

            "Are we still studying after school today?" I questioned him and a light bulb seemed to go off in his head as if he had forgotten all about our arrangement.

            "Yes," He hesitated over his word sweat gathering on his brow like this was difficult for him to come up with that three letter response.

            "Good," My voice was equally strange while I waited for his group of friends to disappear.

            They obviously weren't getting the hint because they stayed loyal to Sam's side possibly concerned that I'd beat him up or hustle him for his lunch money. It was safe to say that I had developed a reputation at this school, one that most people wouldn't be concerned about. I didn't start fires in garbage cans or steal other student's money but I also didn't take crap from anyone.

            It was a confidence my mother bestowed upon me.

            All of us stood there awkwardly, I pulled on the straps of my tank top; my hands having nothing better to do than to fiddle. Each of them had arms full of textbooks and notebooks, laptops swung across their shoulders on their way to AP classes.

            "Well I'll see you in English," I murmured clumsily backing away from the nerd herd and heading off to my own classes.

            With my departure I knew that Sam's friends would question our connection and possibly raise a few inquires but he was smart enough to make up an excuse. Even better he could state the truth that he just some lonely virgin with nothing better than to ask me to take that thing away from him.

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