Chemically Platonic (27) Dressing Up

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This nervousness I was feeling was uncanny. High school was a giant shove into social interactions, forcing shy people into class presentations and group projects across social clichés. Over the past three years of my high school life, I've attended countless parties in numerous locations. Besides popping my cherry freshman year, this was the first party I was nervous about.

The unknown factor to the multiple jackhammers trying to tear open my stomach was on my mind. This wasn't Sam's and I's first party as a couple or anything particularly spectacular but it felt nerve racking.

"So," I leaned across the couch towards Nate. Sam was being a drama Queen and insisted that I waited upstairs instead of patronizing him. He was rightfully so because I would have done just that.

"On a scale of one to nuclear spill, how much is Sam freaking out?" I asked Nate who got a chuckle out of it.

"A solid twelve," Nate laughed giving me a cheeky smile. I admired Sam's adorable mini-me. He may have lacked Sam's quirky behavior but he'd obviously grow up to be a handsome man.

"Why aren't you dressed up?" he asked.

"I didn't want to wear it on my walk here. I thought Sam would need moral support so I showed up early but apparently he wants to strap on his big boy panties and pick his own clothes for the first day of school," I said as I rose and started towards the basement door that lead to Sam's room and nerd station.

I opened the door, the Mordor poster in my face like usual, "Hurry up Cinderella," I called loudly, hearing muffled grunts from below.

"Maybe you should end his misery, dear." Mrs. Biggs offered her opinion from the kitchen. Both Sam's parents sat in the kitchen sipping a shared cup of coffee enjoying the show.

"You sure?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Even myself, I wasn't sure if Sam would appreciate the help or not.

"Yes. End the suffering. You'll be late otherwise," Mrs. Biggs rose from her spot, leaving the cup for Mr. Biggs to finish. "Speaking of late. Nate it's time to head to bed," she called out to Nate who groaned in response.

"But I want to see Sam and Juliette in their costumes." Nate ran into the kitchen towards his mother in protest, his cheeks puffed out and nostrils flared.

I gulped. My costume wasn't what I wanted my boyfriend's younger brother seeing me in. Personally, I wasn't one hundred percent for the slut policy for Halloween parties but the more I thought about it the more tempting it became.

"Ah, I'll show you pictures later Bud." My hand rested on his shoulder for a moment before his mother ushered him up the stairs. His heavy footsteps in objection make me smirk.

"Goodnight," I shouted up after him.

Without hesitating I walked over to the front door where I had dropped my gym back. Swinging it across my shoulder I headed back towards the basement door. Before I made my descent I called out, "You better be decent."

Much like Nate, my feet pounded down the stairs but instead of anger it was out of excitement. I wanted to know what Sam had decided to wear and also I wanted to bother him with cheeky banter.

"Hey, Sam." Knocking on the door I waited for a response from behind his bedroom door.

A smirk spread across my face, "I don't know if I even know how to use the door. Should I go back outside and crawl through the window? Like does it just press open," I joked putting my hands on the wooden door before continuing with my humor, "is it voice activated or maybe there is a monition detector somewhere. Oh, does it have something to do with this silver du-dad?"

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