Chemically Platonic (23) Peeping Toms and Ex's

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"Admit it," I hissed through gritted teeth, playfully leaning in towards Sam.

He backed away from the fierce approach. I was growing more annoyed with his stubborn ability to ignore me and my pestering questions. After months of dating, Sam was rather used to my antics; although, he always got rather angry when it flared up.

"Admit what?" he tried to keep a serious face but by the chuckle and smirk, he knew exactly what I was talking about.

"You were totally going toe-to-toe with Dawson today." Taking a step back, I sat down beside Sam on our outdoor furniture. Swinging my legs around, I put them across Sam's lap. With laced fingers behind my head, I looked up at the descending sun, waiting for him to answer.

"If by 'toe-to-toe' you mean speaking to my good friend Dawson, than yes; by your ridiculous definition I went toe-to-toe," he said quietly as his arm laid across my legs, pulling them in close.

"You went alpha male on his ass. Anytime he spoke you corrected whatever you could and you basically told him to go screw himself by the end of lunch," I laughed, only because I thought his actions were hilarious.

Sam was very un-confrontational. The only people he argued with were within the nerd herd or myself, mostly me. When he argued it was mainly because he was right about something. He only argued for fun with me.

"And what is this that you want me to admit? That I argued with Dawson?" Sam turned his head to give me a cautioning glance. This was only a playful caution. Sam's breaking point was much further.

"No," I chuckled, enjoying toying with him.

"I need you to admit you were totally jealous and over protective today at lunch." My hand reached him giving his shoulder a small swat.

"And why do I need to tell you this?" By the blank expression and monotone sound, Sam wasn't overly thrilled with me or my persistence.

"I just do."

A smirk spread across his face. His eyes brightened. "Are you really petty enough that you need reassurance?" he asked amused he was able to swing this to his favor.

My jaw dropped at the idea of Sam calling me petty. Of all the words he could have said, this one stung more than anticipated.

I scoffed but smiled, "of course I am." Sam continued to watch me carefully, "but so is everyone else."

"I'm not." He was too quick to answer.

Swinging my legs back in front of me I sat up straight. "Of course you are." My hands pushed me off the couch as I stood above him, "and you're a hypocrite if you think you're the only person that isn't an insane jealous freak of nature," I laughed him, holding out my hand.

"Come on," I gestured with a tilt of my head towards the double glass doors. The breeze was growing cold as the night slowly past. Surprisingly, Sam wasn't forcing me to do school work.

Instead of coming with me he crossed his arms and gave me a sharp look. "No," he said plainly. If he was planning on grand-standing; he picked the wrong opponent.

My brows furrowed at him.

"Why not?" I asked curious as to why he was protesting coming inside, especially with the dip in temperature and those unwritten assignments on the kitchen table.

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