Chemically Platonic (02) Garrulous

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Chapter Two: Garrulous

 "So how is this supposed to work exactly?" I raised an eye brow to Sam who sat beside me.

        The pair of us sat in the back of the chemistry class away from anyone else. There were working tables with Bunsen burners, sinks and fume hoods were everyone preformed experiments. In all honesty this was the first time I had ever resigned at one of these tables. Always I had opted out of being forced to participate in these things in which I knew nothing about.

        "Well I was thinking that firstly we need to establish a friendship. According to the research I have done I've created somewhat of a time line and I've determined that after a week of people seeing us together then we can move up a level to dating. It seems that most people get together after an event or get together so I thought it would be a good idea if we attending the party at the beach this weekend so we can institute the answer to the question 'when did those two get together'," Sam rambled to the point where I couldn't insert any of my questions or utter for him to stop his insanity.

        "Okay Sam you need to speak in plain English and break this down for me," I told him ignoring Urlacher from speaking to the rest of the class.

        Urlacher under the impression that Sam was teaching me everything that has to do with chemistry let us ignore his whole lecture. There was a power in ignoring his every word that felt better then when I was supposed to. He let Sam and I hang out in the back of the class while we spoke about everything besides chemicals.

        "Where did I lose you?" Sam asked before rolling his eyes at the dumbfounded look I was giving him.

        "So I'm starting from the very beginning I guess," Sam spoke clearing his throat before he restarted everything he had previously said.

        "From the research I have done I've come to the conclusion that it wouldn't make any sense if we instantly started dating. It would allow people to question any means of motive which could possibly give away our plan," Sam stated looking at me attempting to get a positive response.

        "Yes because when two strange people start dating my second thought is that they must have some strange virginity pact," I snorted laughing at my own moment.

        Sam blinked at me confused. It was obvious that he hadn't understood my amusement in his statement. At this point I was questioning his humanity. Robot or superhuman intelligence either way I'd signed my name to his upper intellectual powers. Literally, Sam forced me to sign the cover of his notebook as my oath to the agreement and all the information he had in it.

        He warned me about signing something without reading the terms and agreements but trying to decode his chicken scratch and other confusing memos would take millions of dollars in lawyer fees. 

        "Anyway," Sam trailed this word as if using it to start his rant all over again.

        "If you concur this weekend's beach party would be a good place to announce that we're dating or at least by which ever means we need to do so to allow people to publicly know of our personal interests." I cut off Sam by slamming my textbook shut making a commotion. 

Chemically PlatonicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora