That Escalated Quickly -16

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(A/N) I'm sorry there have been troubles with some of my chapters but it should be good now.

*Aleister's P.O.V.*

Natalie and I finish our food but I don't want to go, seeing Nate laugh is just too much. This kid has really changed me. I just wish we could go to my private island and just stay there forever with no worries and no one else to bother us. No work, or school, no bills or annoying people to talk to, and no one to judge us. But I can't just walk away from my responsibilities, as much as I'd like to.

I'm just so torn because I want a relationship with Nate, he's shown me that, but no one could ever know. It'd be a huge scandal if people thought I was gay, let alone dating one of my employees 17 year old son. No one would ever want to do business with my company again.

A text message appears on my personal phone. I of course have a work phone and a personal one but only a few important people have my personal phone. Close friends and family, that's all. And usually people just call me.

I click open my iPhone and see Alexandria Adam's name appear on my phone. Why is Nate's mom texting me? The last time she texted me we ended up almost having sex in her office.

Alexandria: I have the house to myself if you want to come over

I breathe out a breath of annoyance so that in return signals for Natalie to speak. "What's wrong," she says putting her hand over mine.

I slowly drag my hand away and rub it through my hair to make it not seem like I didn't want to hold her hand. 

"Nothing, let's go."

We get up after I cast one last glance at Nate. He's so much more appealing to me than Natalie.

I'm severely confused by this whole thing, it's not like I'm gay because I'm definitely attracted to girls but I'm not fully attracted to boys either.  I mean it's not just Nate, I would definitely date other guys but I guess I'd have to form an emotional bond with them or something.  I don't look at all guys the same way I look at all girls.  I guess I'll figure that out later, first thing is taking care of Alexandria.

Philipe, my driver, drops Natalie off, thankfully she didn't try to do anything this time.  I tell Philipe to go to Nate's house.  Philipe is the best driver I've ever had.  He stays at a house right next to mine with his family ready to drive me at any time.  He keeps confidentiality.  If Philipe told half of the things he's seen I'd have long been in jail by now.  And he's really polite.  I make sure that on top of Philipe's weekly salary he gets a generous tip often. 

After he drops me off at his house, I tell him to wait right here because I won't be long.  He nods as a response.  I ring the doorbell and the first thing I see is Alexandria standing there with her legs crossed and hand leaning on the door frame.  She has on a long black robe.  Please be clothed under there.

"Where's Nate?" I ask even though I already know the answer to that question.

She giggles, kind of sexy, I might add.  "Let's not worry about him," she says as she pulls me into her house by my long tie.

I hold my hands up, "Whoa Alexandria, wait."

She rolls her eyes, "What?  You're not still caught up with that slut from the other night are you?  I'm sure I'm better at a lot of things than she is."  And right as the words fell from her mouth she pulled the string on her robe exposing her bright red lingerie.

I scratch my head, wow okay.  For a mom she has a really nice body.  And even though I want to do things with her, I can't.  I just can't bring myself to it.  It would be better, I'd just be dating my employee, no big deal there.  I could just have sex with her and make everything better.  

But I can't.  And I won't.  I don't know how or when but I fell for this kid.  I fell for him hard and now I don't know what to do with myself.

I take a deep breath, "As inviting as this offer is, I like someone.  I like them a lot, even though I know I shouldn't."  I say the last part to myself.  I continue, "I'm not going public with the relationship because of a lot of reasons, so don't just think it's not serious."

Alexandria huffs again, she seems to do that a lot, and puts her hands on her hips, leaning to one side.  "Who is she?"

"Why does it matter?" I question.

She wines almost, "Because no guy has ever turned me down when I'm half naked in front of them... unless.  Are you gay?"

It's my turn to huff, "So just because I won't have sex with you, you're going to just think I'm gay.  Not every guy is in to you.  And I can assure you, I most definitely like girls."

She bites the inside of her cheek with an angry expression crossing her features like a gray storm, "Then what's wrong with me!"

I calm down a bit realizing I'm probably not going to get anywhere with this.  "Listen, I'm just not into you like that anymore.  I was okay?  Just not at this moment.  My mind is filled with someone else.  Please don't take offense to it."

Looking at me with sadness in her eyes, she says okay.  I leave the awkward silence and go outside.

I get in my car and Philipe asks, "Where to next?"

I take out my phone and call Nate.

"Hello?" he asks.

"Can we meet somewhere," I ask him.

After a moment of hesitation, he answers, "Rohman Park.  40 minutes."

Rohman Park is a well-known park by my office.  I hang up the phone and look to Philipe, "Rohman Park."

Now it's time to fix this.

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