I didn't mean it.

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Kirstie pov
While Mitch was contacting. I got our house ready for the party. It was great that I put the decorations before and didn't took them down. So I just got the lights foods, and music. Of course all of them are beyonce's music. Then Mitch came down.

M: Heyy!
K: Hi
M: I contacted all of our friends.
K: Great.
M: Alot of people from high school are coming
K: Ooh fun!
M: (chuckling) Yeah. Better have lots of drinks.
K: Kay

Few hours later....

Kirstie pov
People were coming more and more. They were all super nice. But I saw a face I never wanted to see again. It was Ethan. He and I dated a little back in high school but I broke up cuz he was being annoying.

E: Hey babe?
K: Not your babe
E: Come on. Aren't we here to have a good time with you?
K: Um at least not with you asshole
E: Uh-Huh.

We partied and partied. I was getting tipsy and others were too. Then we danced. Man, Kevin's groove was definitely a something. Then I danced with Scott. It was super fun.

Ethan pov
I wasn't giving up on her that easily. So I called Lisa who had a major crush on Mitch.

L: What
E: You wanna have Mitch?
L: Duh
E: Then I will tell you a plan to get Mitch.
L: Why would you do that for me
E: Cuz I want Kirstie back
L: Fine.

So I told her my plan.
My plan was to make Mitch look like he cheated. So I gave Mitch lots of drinks. So it would be easier to trick him. He was tripping and swaying. Great. This is the time.

Kirstie pov
I looked for Mitch but he was no where to seen. So I went outside and saw Mitch kissing a girl.

Mitch pov
I was pulled out by Lisa. I was too drunk to think of anything. Then I heard Lisa talking. Of course I wasn't understanding a single word . Like I said, I was seriously drunk. Then Lisa pulled me and kissed me. I tried to resist but I was too drunk to use any strength. So I sat there doing nothing but I didn't kiss back. I knew it was wrong. Then I heard someone gasping. It was Kirstie. Sh*t. What have I done.

K: M.....Mitch?
M: Kirs....Kirstiiiieeeee it's noooot wat u tink.
Then she threw a glass at me. It didn't hit me but it was broken as it hit the ground. By the loud sound, I was slowly waking up from alcohol.
Because of the loud sound, Scott came. He gasped and asked Kistie what was going on.

Kirstie pov
How could he do this to me? I was so mad that I threw a glass and shattered it. I was worried if Mitch got hurt. But he wasn't. Sh*t why am I worried about him. He clearly doesn't care about me. Scott came and I told him what happened. Then he quickly cleared the party. I ran up to my room not the shared one and locked myself in it. I was crying. I was crying alot. I couldn' believe it. Why would he do this to me? I guess his love for me is a big lie.

Scott pov
Mitch was still not waking from the drinks so I punched him hard.

M: Oww.... What was that for
S: For breaking my best friend's heart a.g.a.i.n.
M: What....?
S: Ask for yourself.

Then I ran up the stairs and kocked on the door.

S: Kirst
K: Please... I want to be alone.
S: Kay. Call me. I will be there for you and ask me if you need anything.
K: Kay. Thanks

She was sobbing. I cleaned up the house and left the house.

The next morning....

Mitch pov
I woke up and saw a blonde girl sleeping next to me naked. But I couldn't remember having sex.
Still I thought it was Kirstie so I hugged her. But she wasn't Kirstie. Sh*t

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