Some facts about me!

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So yeah, it's September 4 today and yes, it's my birthday. Another year added and now I'm 17! So there are these facts about me I promised you:

1. My name is Undīne, but sometimes on Internet I use Undine, but usually it's Undi (as I do here). If you're interested what my name means, search for it on 'Google' and read about in 'Wikipedia'. And if you do then search for 'Undine'. Just saying
2. I'm Latvian and I can speak Latvian (obviously), English, Russian, a bit French, more smaller bit Italian and German
3. I've graduated Music school as a pianist and I can also play the guitar
4. My favourite colours are black, grey and blue
5. I have younger half brother who is 4 years old and is one of the reasons I am the person, who I am right now
6. I don't really like pop music and I prefer rock and metal. My favourite band is 'Fall Out Boy'
7. I've had arthroscopy, because after few traumas I 'finally' torn both meniscus in my right knee. Fun experience, actually
8. I'm not good at drawing, singing, cooking and hadicrafts
9. I used to dance for about 13 years. And I never liked ballet until I had to practice clasics
10. I love coffee, pizza, ice cream, chocolate and macaroni
11. I can't live without my phone and wristwatch. I'm a tomboy even though mum and granny tried to raise me to be 'girly' as I was the only child for more than 12 years, but they amazingly failed. I hate dresses, skirts and heels. No matter how ironically it is, but I like make-up and a bit of jewerly
12. I'm very sarcastic, sassy and even dirty minded. People think that I'm funny, but I don't think so. Instead I call myself rude, because I can curse like a sailor and usually it's a mix of Latvian, Russian and English, and a boring person
13. I like History and Chemistry. History's and Geography's teachers hate me, so it's all about the subject
14. I don't really have friends so yeah, you can call me 'forever alone'. And I have never had a boyfriend, but somehow it doesn't bother me
15. I still haven't finished my very first story, because I don't know how to write that part I have reached even though I know how I want it to end. And also I have a prologue written for another story which is more like sci-fi. I don't know if I'll ever write them so they're covering with dust in my computer. They're both original stories
16. My favourite writers are Dan Brown and David Morrell
17. I'm wearing contact lenses and my eye colour naturally changes

So that's some stuff about me. I'm not surprised if you expected me to be different :)
Love, Undi ❤

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