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Ouch! A rock jabbed me. I open my eyes and almost scream. Not because of the rock, I'm at the shed from last night. NAKED! I have Harry's jumper as my blanket and worse, I am wrapped around him! What the hell did I do? My parents are going to kill me! Straight away I jump off him and start getting dressed. Eventually he slowly wakes up. He sees me walking around in circles putting my top on.

"What's wrong?"

"WHAT'S WRONG? WE JUST DID- AHHH!" Harry looks shocked. But he looks still has that cute morning smile that I thought only babies do.

"Am I missing something? Because that was incredible! You were incredible." He says making me half smile.

"My parents are Christians ok? I'm not allowed to do this, so this never happened and most importantly DON'T TELL ANYONE" I yell getting ready to walk home. Harry's expression changes after he hears the Christian part. It was incredible! Harry jumps up and starts putting his jeans on to chase after me. His body is so toned. I find my way out and I hear him coming after me. I really just want to get home as quickly as possible but I kind of like how he is being so cute about this.

"Sally, wait!" He shouts looking out the door not coming fully out because he was only half dressed.

"I will find you!"

"This never happened!" I cry as I walk home to a very angry family!

"Oh thank the lord!" Mum says running to me crying, she grabs my arms and pulls me in tight. She was making a huge deal over it, I mean I'm almost 19 and they still think they own me. Like they forced me to go to school this year, and they told me I was forbidden me to have a boyfriend until I was 16. I luckily got out of going to church this year though they still push me to go.

"Where in the lords earth were you?" Mum said pulling away staring in my eyes.

"I fell asleep on the oval." I lie.

"We were about to call the police, we thought someone stole you!" Dad added.

"Also you are not going anywhere this Sunday for making us miss church!"

"Mum I have to stu-"

"No, I told Mary about this and you are studying at her house tomorrow after school!" I go to Gabs room after 10 minutes of continues bickering about the same subject and grab all of her One Direction magazines and start reading them until I know everything there is to know about Harry. All I found out is that he is a flirt and all his birthdays and stuff like that.

Melting Over Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now