Bad Idea

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Harry and I are waiting at the London City Airport for Gab's plane to arrive. It's been a couple of minutes late but she should be coming out any second which is making me more and more nervous. We have a heap of bodyguards protecting us from the huge swarm of paparazzi that are dying to see who we are picking up and what we are wearing! There are also a few fans that somehow found out we are going to be here today. I didn't see Harry put up anything about today on twitter and I didn't tweet anything so I think the fans probably followed us from home or something. Although, Harry is texting some people on his phone. I am to focused on finding Gab to see who he is texting.

It's been four days since Harry and I went on our little shopping spree and it's still on the morning shows and it's still front page of all the magazines. We don't care too much though. When I think back, it had to be the funniest and scariest day!

I see a heap of people come out of the doorway from Gab's plane so I walk closer pulling Harry along. Through a swarm of people that just got off the plane I see a little brown haired girl skip out of the plane with a book or something in her hands.

"Gab! Over Here!" I yell letting go of Harry's hands and start sprinting over to her. As I get closer to her I see what 'book' she is holding. It was actually a magazine, of Harry and I dresses up.

"What's this Sally?" She says laughing. I snatch the book off and then pull her in for a huge hug lifting her up.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you! You are so stupid for doing this but I love you for it!" I say squeezing her so tight I think I almost herd her break a bone. I eventually put her down and she stumbles around dramatically for a bit then comes back to her senses.

"I've missed you too, but not enough to almost kill you for it!" She jokes. I look around and see all the paparazzi going wild with their photos so I think we better get going before the bodyguards get trampled on by the paps.

"Ok let's get away from these guys and go to our place. We just need to find Harry, where did he run off to?" I say looking around for him. Where is he? Then I hear a huge wave of screaming girls. What did he do! I look around on my tip toes and then I see Harry high fiving Liam, and around them are Louie, Zayn and Niall. Gab is going to flip when she meets them! I make eye contact with Zayn and he must be telling the boys now, that he can see me.

"Gab we have a little surprise for you!" I say pointing up to the One Direction boys. Her face went pale and her mouth dropped to the floor.

"OH MY GOD IT'S ONE DIRECTION!" She screams jumping up and down hugging me. They walk over laughing and Harry comes in and hugs me.

"Thank you so much Harry. I love you!" I whisper into his ear. He looks back at me and smiles then focuses his attention on Gab.

"Hello Gab. Do you want to get out of this chaos?" Harry says talking loudly so Gab can hear over the screaming girls. She just nods as Harry puts his hand out for her to grab. She slowly grabs it making me laugh as we head out to the Limo. We manage to get in with no troubles of fans and paparazzi. Although I did tell them Gab was my sister. I sit next to Harry and Gab sits across from us next to Liam and Zayn.

"So Gab which one is your favourite member?" Harry asks as the car starts.

"Um. Well, I really like Zayn but I absolutely love all of you!" She says looking at Zayn all embarrassed. Zayn gives her a hug making her blush even more.

"I can't believe you just did that!" She squeals. We all laugh and I lean in and give Harry a quick kiss just to say thank you again.

"How are you not screaming: OH MY GOD I'M KISSING HARRY STYLES?" Gab asks me.

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