I Swear On My Life

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We drove down to Karen's office like we planned but a lot more angry. Harry finds her office and bursts in the doors.

"What did we happen to read in the newspaper today Karen?" Harry yells.

"I told them. It was the best thing to do. Don't worry, I have a cover story that you have been dating for months now and it was an accident. The paps will eat it up!" She says with a confident smile.

"You just don't think do you Karen?" He yells.

"Don't you tell me about not thinking when you're the one who gets a girl pregnant!" She said backfiring to Harry.

"Now I've also thought of a way out of all this mess." She adds in.

"We are not killing it if that's what you're going to suggest." I say squeezing Harry's hand.

"No, of course not. But you could have the child and give it to someone else? It will be happy and safe. Not getting death threats or bullied every day because of her young immature parents. But only if you choose to give it a better life." I look at Harry and gasp. He looks back at me with watery eyes.

"Can you give us a minute Karen?" I say, she gets up and walks away.

"Harry?" I say crying.

"What do we do?" I say looking at him. He is just looking down wiping his eyes.

"I'm just gonna say if we do we can have our lives back again," He finally looks up.

"Are we back to that again? You and your band."

"No, I was actually thinking about us. You could get a job and enjoy yourself while you're young." He says staring into me.

"Promise that we will try when we are older Harry?" I say with tears racing down my face.

"I will swear my life that we will have a child of our own one day." He says coming over to hug me. Suddenly Karen walks into the room.

"Made up your mind yet?" She asks going behind her desk.

"We will do it." I say still holding Harry.

"Alright, now I found a home that is perfect for little Styles. You will see it for the first month at birth but then you will give it away to a couple that has been trying for 6 years to start a family." She hands us a photo of the couple. They look so happy and yet so lonely.

"All you need to do is sign here." I read over the contract again and again until I hand it to Harry. Karen looks very pleased with herself. She points to the spot for us to sign and Harry goes first. I see his hand shaking as he scribbles out his name. Then he passes the pen to me and I sign the paper. When I'm finished, I slam the pen on the table and walk out on Karen not wanting to ever speak to her again!

"Sally, are you ok?" Harry asks me giving me a hug. I just want to be happy!

"Yes. Let's go for a walk." I say forcing a smile. All of a sudden the paparazzi swarm around us with microphones and cameras everywhere. At first everything seemed scary but Harry grabbed me and pulled me in close.

"Keep calm," he whispers in my ear. Then it begins

"Harry you're gonna be a father. Is this true?" One person asks.


"Harry, was this an accident? How long have you been together?" Another asks.

"It wasn't an accident we just went off plan. And we have been together for a couple of months." He says starting to get a little annoyed.

"Wow! That's a new record Harry. What was the last record before this relationship, 18 hours?" Harry snaps and turns around. I can see he is making a fist but I grab his arm and pull him in.

"Harry, keep calm!" I say trying to turn his head away from the guy that said that. I manage to grab his chin and pull his face so it faces me. Then I have an idea. I pull him in and kiss him for a long time. When we part I smile and look at everyone.

"I bet you never saw him kiss anyone that way before," I say before we both run away laughing.


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