He Found Me

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It was probably Harry forgetting money or something. But then I hear a little closer and it's not Harry.

"Sally. Is this you?" I just hear through the door. I walk over to the door and open it. It was Zach! He gives me a huge hug and lifts me off the ground. I smell his jumper and he still has the same old amazing scent.

"Zach! What are you doing here? How did you find me?" I say in shock as he puts me down.

"I told you I would look everywhere for you and the magazines told me almost everything." He says looking in my eyes.

"I can't believe it's you!" I laugh and hug him again.

"I can't believe it's you." He mimics. Zach is so funny, he is my best friend and he just always puts a smile on my-

"Harry!" I say snapping out of my obsession over Zach.

"What? Oh yes, Harry. Where is he? Because I would love to meet him. Wait in the magazine it says you broke up." Zac asks tensing up. I quickly release from his strong hold and start walking around in circles rubbing my hands through my hair.

"Don't believe everything you read! Zach, you have to leave right now. Harry will be here any second and he REALLY doesn't like you! I love Harry too much to wreck what we have over you. That's why you came here right? You must leave because I'm not leaving Harry for you!" I spit out.

"Sally calm down please! I just want to talk." He replies calmly. I stop walking around like a headless chook and stand still breathing heavily. Zach really needs to go or he will probably be murdered. He starts to walk closer to me and I just stare at him with my heart racing at a million beats a second.

"Zach you really need to leave or-"

"Shhhh Sally." He interrupts. When he starts getting closer to me I start to back up a bit so I'm not so close to him. I keep taking steps back until I am backed up against the wall. Now what!

"Zach!" I whisper

"I love you Sally more than anyone. I always have." He whispers back to me. He is only a centimetre away from our lips touching right now. . I hear slight movements in the background but I' too focused on what is happening right now.

"Zach no!" I say loudly before he quickly presses his lips against mine. I try to yell at him but his lips won't let me pull away! I try to push him away and while I'm doing that I look around the room and then I see Harry. He is just standing there with his mouth dropped in shock. This is bad! I try really hard and force him away.

"Harry! It's not what it looks like. I pulled away!" I cry.

"Zach. Is that you?" Harry asks looking away from me. He just nods and wipes him mouth.

"Of course it is. I brought both of you coffee for your happy life together." He says sitting them on the ground.

"What Harry! I didn't kiss him back I pulled away" I shout with tears falling down my face. He turns around and starts to walk away.

"HARRY! DON'T GO! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" I yell chasing after him.

"SALLY WAIT!" I hear Zach shout to me.

"Stay the hell away from me Zach! You wrecked the best thing that ever happened to me!" I scream to him before running to Harry again. When I get out the door I start to look around for where he went. But then I see an elevator. Now he could have gone anywhere and I'll never find him. I fall onto my knees and start sobbing loudly in the hallway. This can't be happening, I can't lose Harry! I decide that I should call up one of the boys to tell them to tell Harry what happened. I run to the hotel room and find Zach walking out of my hotel door.

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