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I wake up to the sound of Harry swearing at something.

"God bloody damn it!" Harry yells again. I get up and he is looking at a piece of paper with a pencil in his hands and reading glasses on.

"Good morning Harry. What's going on?" I ask

"I'm trying to plan out a day for us so we can see the city, the boys and talk to the paparazzi." He says over thinking this all.

"Ok first of all I'll help with that when we get up. And secondly, I didn't know you wore glasses."

"I don't it's just for looks." That makes me giggle.

"Well it works." I say leaning on him. I go in for a kiss but he quickly gets out of bed.

"You said you will help me when I get up. I'm up" So he isn't the kiss in the morning boyfriend I'm guessing. Harry walks out the door. I get up and follow after. As soon as I leave the room Harry was waiting for me outside trying to scare me, it doesn't work. He pulls me in and kisses me. Maybe I was wrong! We both walk out into the kitchen smiling and I help him set out the whole day.

"Do you usually do this?" I wonder hoping he doesn't.

"What? Plan out the day. No but today is gonna be a big day. The paps are gonna go crazy when they see us!" Harry almost looked like he missed them. Harry's phone starts ringing and he puts in on speaker.

"Hi Harry. It's me Karen. I am still alive you know. Why haven't you called me and where were you?" I look at Harry angrily. Was he cheating on me? Harrys face looks shocked and he takes it off speaker.

"Uh yes I am alive Karen. I've missed you too." He didn't just say that in front of me. I am just about to walk away when Harry starts laughing and pulls me in for a hug. I push him away and slap him. How could he do this to me? I run to the bedroom but then I see Harry run after me with the phone back on speaker.

"Sal. Sally! It was a joke this is Karen from management." It better be. I just walk in the room and slam the door. Harry walks in and tells Karen he is putting her on hold.

"Babe. Look at me. I would never cheat on you, it was a joke. I haven't spoken to Karen in a month and she isn't happy!" I pull my head out of the pillow and pull his hair towards me and kiss him. He yelps at first when I tug his hair but then he starts laughing and kisses me.

"Ok we have to tell Karen about us and the baby." Harry says with a serious look. He grabs his phone out and takes it off hold.

"Karen are you there?"

"Yes of course Harry. Now who the hell is Sally Anasworth?" She sounds angry.

"I am Sally. What's up?" I say smirking at Harry who is lip sinking 'shut up'.

"I'll tell you what's up. You are on every magazine in London."

"Oh cool! Also I'm having Harry's baby!" I say holding back a laugh. Harry looks like he is about to die.

"WHAT? WHERE'S HARRY! HARRY!" she screams.

"Still here, it's true." He says as calmly as possible.

"Harry you better be kidding me. If the media finds out you knocked up some girl they will go crazy. You have had so many women it's almost impossible. Sally stay away from him, he is a womaniser!" I look at Harry in disbelief.

"This is different. I swear!" He yells into the phone.

"That's what you said about Taylor Swift and she stalks you worse than the paps. Harry do what's best and leave her alone."

"So she can be a single mother with no parents or friends to help because they all kicked her out. Ok then!" He says then hangs up. Then his phone beeps and I snatch it and read it. It's from Taylor Swift.

"You might want to call her back!" I say as I run outside to see Zayn and Perrie walking up the steps. I keep walking past them.

"You, Harry. Me, Sally. Go now!" I hear Perrie say and she grabs my arm and takes me to her car.


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