His Smell

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I told Perrie everything like she was my best friend, she completely understood.

"Don't listen to Karen. She is just testing you. She did it to me too. It's what they do, they find you weak spot and see how much you can take. As for Harry, yes he was very bad with girls but I haven't seen him look at any girl the way he does with you." She says driving around.

"But we met by him trying to get with me, like Karen said and he might be looking at me differently because I'm having his baby." Perrie even looks unsure of what to do.

"Why don't you stay at my house tonight and tomorrow you can sort it out." I nod and she parks into a shopping centre.

We spent the whole day shopping. I got a lot of new clothes, some personal things and I even got a new phone. Zayn was waiting at home with Niall when we got back and he said all the boys were going out tonight.

"Zayn baby, make sure Harry stays under control. Here is Sally's phone number, call her if something happens ok?" Perrie says to Zayn snuggling up to him. He just nods.

"The fighting has already started! All I can say is good luck. Most people can't even stand a day with Harry. That's why they all leave, and Harry gets blamed for it. It would take one in a million to stay with Harry." Niall says whacking me on the back.

"Waite so Harry doesn't use them. They leave him?" I ask felling a little better.

"Hell yes! I don't know how we manage him. He just over boyfriends the other girls, I guess. He just loves the idea of spoiling someone rotten and that's why he is such a flirt." Niall and Zayn laugh at each other. Maybe he does like me.

Later on that night I call Gab and tell her everything. She sounds so happy that I'm dating him but she wants me to hurry up and make up before someone else comes along. How does everyone know he has lots of girls? If my little sister knows about it then I probably look like an over reacting crazy person. We talked about seeing each other soon and also how she is managing with our parents. She sounds happy, but I can tell she misses me as much as I miss her.

I am supposed to be sleeping on the couch tonight but I can't fall asleep. I keep thinking about Harry and what he is doing. Suddenly Zayn whips the door open and stumbles in. I sit up and look at him finding his way.

"Oh Sally your awake! I was just looking for the bath tub to drink some water." He is very drunk. I get up and lead him onto the couch sitting him down.

"So how's Harry?" I ask very worried.

"Harry? Oh yes Harry Styles. He was being so sooky tonight. Like a little girl, are you having a girl or boy. Don't have a girl. They are sooky." There is no point talking to a drunken guy so I get him up and point him to his room.

"Hey, he didn't drink at all tonight. He was really sad! Hang on to him, he is one in 156. Also this is his jumper I stole from him." He throws it at my face before he mumbles some words and leaves. I pull it in, smelling it. His smell calms me down and I slowly drift off to sleep.


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