It's OK

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On the way to the airport it is very awkward. Harry is driving, he is occasionally checking on me. I am just staring out the window still in shock with a hard tear stain on my cheek. It feels like we have been driving in circles. All I have seen in the last hour is paddocks and we have only gone through only one town. But I guess that's Australia.

"Are you ok Sal?" He finally asks.

"Yer," I sniffle rubbing my eyes looking at him.

"I feel horrible about what I did." Harry says putting his hand on my lap.

"No don't feel bad, you did me a favour. You helped me start my life off. If this didn't happen, I would have been stuck with them forever." I smile at him.

Maybe I was right. My parents have been deciding all my decisions for me my whole life. They saw my pain and yet they still planned out my unhappy future. Lucky for me Harry came along and opened my eyes, he changed their planes and they didn't like that. I think that before I was more afraid because I didn't know what to do next, but now I no. I want to raise a child with Harry.

"Harry. I'm ok, seriously. I decided just then. I want to be with you." I say with a huge smile on my face.

"You decided just then you wanted to be with me? Ok then." Harry smirks.

"No I mean. I am ok with not being with my parents. I want a life without them, so I can make my own choices." Harry leans over and kisses me. The car suddenly swerves off the road and Harry moves back and slammed the breaks on, we both get forced forward from the breaks sudden move, the seatbelt instantly stops me and whips me back to my seat. Then I hear a crack on the front window of the car. Everything went silent.


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