Miss You

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Being away from Harry when he was on tour was extremely hard, but at least we both knew that we loved each other. But being away from Harry in hospital is torture! I realise now that the ten days that we were apart was hard and I have just made it harder by adding on another week. Well, I was in a coma for four days so I didn't feel anything but the three days after I half broke up with him are killing me. If he came in this room now I don't know if I would slap him for everything he has done or kiss him and tell him I still love him.

I get out of hospital tomorrow and I get to stay in a hotel next to the hospital for free the night when I get out because if I feel dizzy then I can easily come back to hospital. I see Dannielle come in by herself which is strange because they are all usually coming in together apart from Perrie because of tour.

"Hey Dannielle! Where is El and Zoe?" I ask confused.

"They are outside with Harry. Look, we need to talk! These past three days you have been complete shit without Harry and you two have to sort this out or we will all die of-"

"Wait did you say Harry is here?" I interrupt.

"Duh! He never left; he just sat in the chair directly outside your door like a bodyguard. Wait, you didn't know he was there?" She asks. HE WAS HERE THE WHOLE TIME! I shake my head at her trying to stay calm.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Ok I am getting him in here now. See, you both love each other!" She shouts at me making me laugh. I wasn't that bad! She stomps out angrily. Maybe I was that bad! I hear her shouting to someone that sounds like a blur to me and then I see my love slowly walking into the room. He had red eyes probably from crying. His hair was all messy and it looks like he hasn't slept in a year. He was still in the tuxedo from that night.

"Hello darli- Sally." He says stopping himself from calling me a nickname.

"Harry." I simply say.

"How have you been?" He asks.

"Harry, we both know you didn't come in here for that." I whisper.

"Well, I actually do want to know that since you wouldn't let me come in here to ask you that for three days." His voice cracks.

"What! Who said that I didn't want you in here?" I ask angrily.

"You made it pretty clear when you got the nurse to kick me out after you broke up with me." He says starting to cry when he brought up the part when we 'broke up'.

"Harry, I never broke up with you! I said I needed time to think. I spent the first day thinking and I spent the rest of the days waiting for you to see me." I say starting to cry as well.

"I was also waiting every day for you to say I could come in so we could talk." He says happier that I dint break up with him.

"So I guess that we both got mixed up in each other's words." I giggle. I see Harry smile at the ground with his jaw clenching.

"I need the truth Harry. I at least deserve that." I whisper coming back to the conversation.

"You do deserve more Sally. That's why I'm breaking up with you and when I leave this room you will never see me ever again!" When he says that my heart shatters.

"What!" I whisper starting to cry. I see him smile. Why is he happy about this?

"I'm sorry." He says laughing.

"Why are you laughing Harry." I cry.

"I'm laughing because I can't keep a straight face! You looked shattered when I said that! I'm sorry I pranked you!" He laughed. I want to kill him!

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