Do Something Fast

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This week has been the worst/best week ever! It's been the worst because Gab did not hold back on embarrassing me! Every hour she told a new story making Harry laugh. But then again when she wasn't annoying me with stories she was just my awesome sister Gab. I had so much fun. We did something different every day.

Day 1: We went shopping.

Day 2: We went to the cinema to watch a movie.

Day 3: We went to a little fair.

Day 4: Zayn spent the day with Gab somewhere.

Day 6: We went shopping again!

Day 7: (today)...Gab is leaving today. We were on the way to the airport when Gab put on One Directions latest album 'Midnight Memories' and we were singing the whole way to the airport with Harry groaning after every song annoyed. Right now we are sitting at a seat waiting for Gab's plane to start being boarded. I am going to miss her so much!

"Sally, am I going to see you again?" She asks squeezing my hand.

"Um, YES! I am going to go down and visit you next time. I don't think I'm going to let you be too long without me or you will go Sally crazy!" I joke nudging her.

"Well, as soon as I am old enough I'm moving out and living with you." She says looking sad. Was she miserable at home?

"Sounds awesome and we can paint the house pink. Is that a good idea Harry?" I say looking at Harry smiling. He gave us a group hug that was so warm I could have stayed there forever.

"Flight to Australia boarding now. Flight to Australia boarding now." A voice over a speaker announced.

"Well, you better get going." I say holding back tears. I give Gab her backpack as we walk to the door with her and then I pull her in for a long hug.

"I'm gonna miss you Gab! I promise I will see you soon!" I say as I let go of the hug. Harry hugs her after me and then does a secret handshake after woods.

"Hold up! You have a handshake now?" I say giggling.

"Besties!" Harry says before he stands up and puts his hand around my waist. Gab walks through the door to her plane. She looks back and waves causing Harry and I to do it back. Then she walks around the corner and out of sight.

"That was a fun week darling." Harry says as we turn around to go home.

"Yes. I miss her already!" I say as I grab his hand ignoring the few paps hanging around like blow flies.

"I need the toilet so wait here and I'll be out in a second." Harry says looking for a toilet.

"How about I get us a coffee and I'll meet you over at that food shop." Harry nods and starts walking towards a toilet sign. I start to walk over taking out my purse. I saw that they had lattes so decided to get them. Fortunately there was no line up so I got there quick.

"Hello, could I please have two medium lattes?"

"Sure that's £2.59 ($5.oo)," the lady says.

"I'll pay on my credit card." I say grabbing it out. I shove it in the card spot and begin to type in my pin code. As I click enter, the little machine beeped at me.

"Sorry miss but you're out of cash on your card!" The lady says looking at me. Shit! I don't have any money! What am I going to do and what am I going to tell Harry? I just find the right amount of money in coins so I pay her and walk away with the coffee's all embarrassed. I can't tell Harry about this! I have to think of something fast!

Harry finds me and gives me a kiss as he takes the drink.

"Thanks honey." He smiles knowing that I just can't resist those cheesy nicknames. I blush at him and we start walking to Harry's car. My phone started ringing and I checked who it was from. No caller ID, this is so annoying because these random calls have been happening way back from when I first left my old home with Harry. I decide to finally pick up and tell them to piss off.

"Hello. Who is here because I need to know who keeps calling me!" I half yell.

"Sally!" The person says, that voice sounds very familiar. Harry snatches the phone off me and puts it to his ear.

"Listen stalker. I don't know why you keep calling Sally. But she is with me forever!" He says angrily.

"Harry! That was rude!" I say before putting the phone to my ear.

"Ok so please just tell me who you are!" I say softly.

"It's so good to hear your voice again. I love you!" Then it hung up. That voice, it was Zach! He was calling me the whole time!

"Who is that idoit?" Harry grumps. After all the stories Harry heard about Zach I couldn't tell him.

"I have no idea but you didn't have to get mad at them." I lie getting into the car.

The whole way home I couldn't get my mind off that Zach was the person calling me, and that I didn't have any money. I am broke!

I walk into the house and Harry comes up behind me and lifts me up.

"Harry stop!" I laugh as he is running to the bed room. He gently lays me on the bed and kisses both of my eyelids. He slowly makes his way down to my lips and then his tongue slips into my mouth. We do that for about five minutes until I remembered that Harry has to pack for tour tomorrow. I quickly pull him onto the bed and roll over so I am on top of him. He waits for me to make the next move but instead I get off the bed and pull out a suitcase from under the bed.

"Time to pack!" I say.

"NO! Let's finish what we were doing then pack!" Harry cries sitting up. He tries to pull me back down but I stood my ground. I really did want to go back to what we were doing before but I felt like annoying him. Harry groans loudly as I chuck the suitcase on the bed.

"Why do you do this to me?" He whines going to his closet. I laugh and follow behind him. When he knows I am standing behind him he turns around with a frown on his face.

"What do you-" I stop his words with a kiss. I can feel his face turn into a smile and he pulls me in close to finish what we started before.


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