Keeps Getting Worse

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Going partying after 5 days being locked in an apartment is going to be a challenge but I need to get my mind off the feeling of love that I felt whenever Harry touched me; which I will never feel again. Elenore is taking me to my first nightclub so I am in some stylish high waisted shorts along with a bra-like crop top and some flats. Elenore is in a cute yellow dress with some black high heels. I can't wear high heels for a couple of months because of my ankle.

The club looks really fun except there is a huge line at the front.

"El we are never going to get in! Maybe we should go!" I whine.

"Sally do you think I would take you to your first club knowing that we would be waiting outside of it for the night? I know the guy who runs this place and he said we could come in anytime." She says grabbing my hand and pulling me to the bouncer. All she does is shows him a special card then he lets us in. When I go in there are flashing lights, bars and people rubbing against each other attempting to dance. It was awesome!

"I need a drink! Let's go to the bar." I shout over the music to El. We walk over to it moving our bodies to the beat across the dance floor. I order a beer and I look around at everyone dancing happily and I really wanted to join them. I look across the floor and then I meet eyes with a familiar person, Harry. I stare at him and then shake it off and face Elenore.

"Sally, these are my good friends. This is Jake and Robert, I met them in collage and we have been friends since then." Elenore says pulling my hand out to shake their hands.

"Pleasure to meet you beautiful. Do you want to dance?" Jake says winking at me.

"Sure she does! Go ahead Sally!" Elenore says pushing me out with him. I would have said no but I can't now because it would be rude.

"Wait before I go!" I shout jogging back to El.

"Harry is here." I whisper.

"Oh shit. Do you want to go- actually let's stay so you can make him jealous!" El says with a tone. All I wanted to do was go to a different place and keep away from other pointless guys. But I just turn around and walk back to the sleaze... Jake. As I walk to him I see Harry getting smothered by girls, he is laughing and flirting with them hurting me more than ever. I decide to make him feel my pain so I start dancing really close to Jake, I take a quick glimpse of Harry and he is looking in my direction towards Jake. It's working! I keep watching to see what he does and he just grabs a blond girl and pulls her to the dance floor. I didn't get to see her face properly but I do see them both dancing closely to each other, damn payback sucks! I turn away from Harry and face Jake. I put my arms around his neck and start swaying my hips. I see Jake take a sip of his beer so I take it off him and drink some. Suddenly I get bump forcefully and I spill some beer all over my neck.

"Damn it, who did that!" I shout.

"Sorry it was an accident, I'm really sorry!" I turn to meet eyes with Taylor Swift. When we meet eyes she starts giggling.

"Oh hi Sally! It was totally an accident!" She laughs. I look behind her to see Harry chuckling to himself. Then Taylor turns around and starts making out with Harry right in front of me. She eventually stops and looks at me smiling.

"Aren't we just the cutest? He listened to me talk about how much I missed him, and he agreed. We got back together two days ago." She giggles. I went to walk away but see Jake standing there smiling.

"Don't worry about the spill. I will clean it up." He says before grabbing my neck and licking it.

"Get off me! Don't ever do that again!" I say starting to cry as I push him away. I look back at Harry and he is standing their looking like he made a mistake kissing Taylor.

"Wait, did you say Harry listened to what you had to explain to him?" She nods at my question. I gave Harry a death stare. Why would he let her explain and not me?

"You two sound great for each other." I said as I walked away crying. I see El still at the bar chatting to Robert. I grab her arm and pull her away.

"What's going on? What did Harry do?" El shouts trotting along in her heels. I wait until we are out of the club and away from the music until I tell her.

"He is with Taylor now and I don't want to see it." I cry as I wave my hand around for a taxi. One pulls over next to us straight away, so I jump in and scoot over so Elenore can get in. He moved on so quickly! Maybe he never loved me.

*** Next Morning***

I didn't get to sleep at all last night. The first reason was because I have no money left and I can't stay in the hotel anymore. Now I have to sleep under a bridge or somewhere else scary. Secondly, I couldn't get last night out of my head. The smile Harry gave me looking like he was trying to make me jealous. When he kissed Taylor right in front of me and not telling her off for purposely knocking Jake's drink over me. What Taylor did was horrible, disgusting and I can't do anything about it.

I don't know why I thought that going for a morning walk would get my mind off things, it's only making things worse especially when I look at news agencies and it has magazines of Harry and Taylor together telling the world that we broke up. This break up is going to be harder than I thought, not that I ever thought about it.

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