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"Babe. Let's go shopping." Harry says randomly. I give him a strange look.

"Why? You hate shopping. Anyway, we only have four more days until Gab comes and I think we will be doing enough shopping by then." Harry looks very energised so I think today I will be forced to go shopping today.

"No, not shopping for lots of clothes. Why don't we go to buy one outfit? But... I have to choose what outfit I want you to wear and you have to choose for me." He says grinning.

"That sounds really fun! But you can't choose weird clothes for me." I shouldn't have said that because now that's what he is probably going to do! We get off the couch and start walking towards the door. But then I stop and remember something.

"Harry." I say staring into the distance.

"Yes Sally what's wrong." He says turning around.

"What about the paps! They are gonna make up something stupid!" I say looking back to Harry. He just laughs and walks closer to me. He grabs his hand and wraps them around my waist pulling me in.

"Who gives a shit what anybody else thinks except you. Now let's go show those stupid, stalking, camera, photo, takerers that we can wear whatever we want!" Harry says kissing me then pulling me outside.

***Arriving at shops***

We get driven to a shopping centre and we decided in the car that we would run off on the body guards when the car stops so Harry and I can be freer. As the man pulls in to the driveway Harry and I slowly unclick our seatbelts hoping to not make a lot of noise.

"GO! GO! GO!" Harry yells. I am laughing my head off as I jump out of the car.

"Hey, STOP!" We hear the bodyguard yell as we furiously click the button down on the elevator.

"Harry! He is coming, now!" I scream in panic. It slowly opens and Harry and I run in tripping over each other and falling on the ground. Just before the body guard could make it through the doors it started closing. Harry and I couldn't stop laughing we were still on the ground trying to pull ourselves up from the laughter that kept breaking us down again. The elevator stoped again and some people walked in giving us a strange look. We quickly got up and made room for the family to come in. A little girl that looked about five was staring at us from behind their parents. She pointed at Harry and screamed with a huge smile on her face.

"Harry! Mum its Harry, One Direction!" She squealed getting her mother's attention. She looked up wide eyed and realised that we were the ones that were on the ground.

"I don't mean to intrude on your day but my daughter is a huge fan and we would like to know if I could get a picture with her?"

"Certainly! What's your name love?" He asked with a childish voice getting on one knee so he matches her height.

"Beverly." She says running in for a hug. I giggle. I hear a click of the camera and I look up to see the mother and father taking photos on their iPhone's. Harry must have herd it so he turns around and smiles in the camera still holding Beverly.

"Thank you so much. We really appreciate it." The mother says as the door opens. They walk out still staring at Harry. It looked like a restaurant so the family must have been having brunch.

"Bye Harry!" Beverly yells waving goodbye before the door closes again. I hug Harry and lean on his shoulder as he clicks another button. I start kissing his neck causing him to moan. It made me laugh when he made funny sounds after I kiss him. When the doors slide open Harry pulled me out of the elevator to a huge shopping mall. I put Harry's hoodie on for him and some sunglasses so he was unexposed from any fans. He still looked extremely hot hidden under everything!

Melting Over Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now