Old Habbits

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When my head stops spinning I look over to Harry and see him with a big frown and his bottom lip over his top. He stars rubbing his head. Thank god nothing bad happened to him! I look into his eyes and we stare at each other in shock for about a minute then start laughing our hearts out. We move closer to each other while laughing hard and eventually start kissing.

"Stop Sally! Last time we kissed in a car we almost died!" Harry jokes. I start laughing at Harry again. I put the car in park then grab his neck and kiss him furiously. After things start heating up between Harry and me, I go back to old habits of what I did to Zach and do something to stop. I find the part of Harry's head where he hit the window and push it hard.

"AAWWWW! Sally!" He says almost crying. I start laughing and he starts the car again.

Why did I stop kissing Harry? Maybe I felt the same way I did with Zach. But my parents were the reason why I stopped getting serious with Zach. So why Harry? I know I like Harry more than Zach so there is no reason why. Maybe it's the baby that's stoping that feeling I got twice with Harry. The feeling where I melt after staring at him.

"We could have gotten badly hurt because of you." Harry says looking serious.


"Yes you! If you didn't look so damn good I wouldn't have done that."

"I look like shit Harry. I have red, sooky eyes and weekend clothes on."

"You look beautiful." Harry says and smiles. No one has ever called me beautiful before. I blush and look back out the window smiling. I wish I could just stop the car now and kiss him! He always has the right words to say. Is it the right words to say or does he actually mean it?

"Oh look!" Harry shouts causing me to jump up.

"More paddocks!" He jokes.

"Harry I was almost asleep!" I lie trying to hold back a laugh. I burst out laughing and start punching his arm to hide my laughing. Harry manages to drive with one hand and grab both of my punching wrists at the same time with his big hands. Then he stares at me again.

"Eyes on the road." I say giving him a look pulling my hair back with my hands that Harry just let go of.

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