New beginings

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Paige and Lana were playing at the play ground wile their parents were taking. Paige and Lana were like sisters they always loved to play dollies with each other. Suddenly Paige and Lana hear a big BOOM and people screaming, it turns out it was a meteor shower striking the little town SmallVille.

Paige's mom and grab her and try to run away. Lana was scared and slightly confused  and didn't no what to. Her parents were screaming her name and trying to find her through all the frantically running people. "LANA LANA" her parents screamed trying to look for her baby girl. And then a split second after they screamed, a meteor shot down and crushed them both.

Lana say them get crushed by her own eyes and began to cry and scream. Her ant grabbed her and ran to find a safe place to stay. After the meteor shower was done SmallVille was destroyed, fire and debris were every were. Buildings were knocked down, bodies Laid everywhere. It was a horrible sight.
20 years later

Paige was running late for her new internship at the Daily Planet and she stopped bye the local coffee shop to pick up some coffee for her boss.
"Hi can I get two coffees please make it quick I am running late" Paige said frantically. "Paige" "LANA it's been 20 years since I saw you" Paige said. " I know how have you been you look gorgeous". " I am fine, I have to go to my job I am running late". " it was nice seeing you again lets catch up some time" Paige said grabbing her coffees in a hurry. "Okay bye" Lana said.

"So this is it" Paige said looking at the massive Daily Planet building. "Your late" said the editor of the Daily Planet.
"I am so sorry I just had to pick up coffees and it kinda took a wile" Paige said nervously shaking. This isn't a great impression to your boss now is it" said Grant Gabriel. " I am so sorry sir it won't happen ever again" Paige said. " well I hope it doesn't" said Grant.

"Come with me I will show you around the place". Paige walks with grant and she is really nervous because she hasn't really worked at a real job before. "This is our computer room, This room is used to print or write stories  in" said Grant. " And this is the basement this is were you will be working". "The basement is were all the rookies work you will work and write articles here and if I see you working hard enough I will move you upstairs... You got it". " yes sir I wont disappoint you" said Paige with a great big smile.

Paige customizes her desk with a little cutesy items she brought from home. And has a picture of her and her family.
" Hi I am Chloe Sullivan your desk neighbor". " Oh hi I am Paige I am new here. " we're gonna be the best of friends" said Chloe excitedly. " I am sure we will" said Paige. " what are you working on" said Paige." I am working on an article on Lex Luthor" said Chloe a with different tone of voice. " isn't he the multi billionaire that owns Luthor corp" said Paige sarcastically. " yes also is the most evilest person I know" Said Chloe softly.

Paige starts to write a story about the change of climate in Metropolis and she hears a Whoosh followed by a gust of wind knocking all of her papers down. " hey what gives" paige said annoyed. Paige looks up to see what the gust of wind was, she looked up and Paige saw a tall handsome man.

"Chloe do you have any information about lex yet " said the stranger. Yes I do.

Lex is creating a lab that contains many amounts of meteor rocks specifically Kryptonite so stay away from it Chloe whispers. Also in that lab he is kidnapping meteor freaks and doing crazy experiments on them possible end up killing them.

"We have to stop him"said the strange man. Than he whooshed right out when everyone wasn't looking.

"Hey Chloe what's that guys name" said Paige. " oh him that's just Clark". "CLARk" Paige screamed in her head. " me and Clark went to elementary school together" said Paige with excitement.

"Really" said Chloe in shock. "Me and Clark were like siblings". " good to know" said Chloe.

Grant Gabriel walked in to Paige's office (desk). "Hello Collins how are you liking it here in the daily planet". "I think I might fit in here very well" Paige said determined.

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