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"We can't kill Julian,we tried for a million times",Stefan addressed. Damon smirked. "3rd times the charm huh brother". "I'm telling you this won't work",Louise stated. "Hey we need the positives you blood sucking asshole",said Paige. "Next time she says that you are all dead",Threatened Louise.

"Paige just stop talking please",said Chloe. "Do we use the 'ole stake to the heart method',said Paige. "No, we use the sword that took me to hell",said Damon. "What?",Clark questioned. "A sword that Julian now possess it has a stone that can trap a vampire's souls when stabbed.

"Wow you guys have it hard here",Paige said. "Easy hot stuff",Damon smirked. "My husband and the father of my child is standing right there so stop trying",said Paige. "Oh I'm sorry sweetie I didn't know",said Damon. "I can't take it anymore I need food",Louise shouted. Louise wanted to fill her thirst with the blood of Paige. She bent her neck and tried to take a bite. Clark immediately ran to Paige and punched Louise to the back wall.

"What the hell is wrong with you",Paige screamed. "The question is who the hell is he?",said Louise. "Yeah you ran pretty fast to save her",said Valerie. "Let's just say I'm different like you guys",Clark admitted. "On a more serious note what about Julian",Chloe questioned.

"It's not going to be easy to get to him,he has people that he considers his 'friends' but really they are brainwashed",said Nora. "Well I have super strength and laser vision so..."

"Oh so your an unbreakable machine basically",said Damon. "Um not really, I'm still human just not from this planet",said Clark. "Alien",Damon barked. "Damon stop this is serious!",Stefan ordered. "Oh brother you don't know what your getting into",said Damon. "Can we please get with the Plan here",Chloe ordered.

"The plan is me and Damon will distract Julian while you guys take on the others",said Stefan. "Me and Chloe will sit this one out, we aren't physically built for that",said Paige. "When i first saw you I felt something, a sense. Are you a siphoner?",said Valerie. "No of course not",Paige stated. "Have you been in content with a vampire",said Valerie. "She did get bit not to long ago,but I fixed it",Clark explained. "No you didn't she is a vampire hybrid",said Valerie.

"You serious",said Paige. "Yes but you don't know how to use your powers so just lay low",said Valerie. "Holy crap I'm a fucking witch! That is so cool!",Said Paige. "Let's move!",Damon shouted. Paige gave a kiss."Clark be careful".
"Look who we have here, dumb and dumber,what do you want boys",said Julian. "Your life maybe even our town back",Damon smirked. "You can't kill me not even once twice or a 3rd time",said Julian. "Boys I loved your mother, why are you trying so hard to kill me",said Julian. "You didn't love her, she killed herself to save us. You'll never be in her life ever again",said Stefan.

"NOW!",Stefan screamed. Louise grabbed the sword and pierced Julian's heart. Julian's souls is trapped in the stone and will never be brought ever. "Louise you did it",said Chloe. "Nice job",said Nora. "There's the stone!",Chloe shouted. "Lay Lois's corpse right there on the table,said Valerie. "I'll try to bring her back",said Bonnie. Everyone gathered around Bonnie while she says her incantation spells. Lois's eyes begin to open. "Lois! Lois! Oh my god",said Chloe.

"What the hell happened?",Lois wondered. "Nothing your safe now",said Chloe.

"Thank you guys for everything",said Chloe. "You are welcome",said Bonnie. "Oh and Damon, I brought you something",said Paige. "What could it possibly be...bourbon!" "You are welcome Damon.

"If you are feeling weird and or use your powers give me a call",said Valerie. "Oh okay",said Paige.

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