Part of a team

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It was a dark cloudy morning in Smallville it was probably going to rain all day. Paige waits for her alarm to ring so she can get ready for work and spread the news.  But Clark told her not to tell anyone because it could lead to danger.
*ring ring*

Paige jumps up out of her bed and does her daily getting ready routine. Paige pours herself a bowl of vegan cereal and eats in a hurry.

"The clouds are sure coming up today" said Paige. Paige rushes to the Train station so she doesn't loose her job because Grant apparently had it with her. The train finally shows up and Paige is excited for Grant to publish her  debuting article. "Watch out world here comes Paige".

Paige looks out the window and she notices the train just missed the daily planet.  "Excuse me sir you just missed my stop".

" I can't stop the brakes aren't working" said the panicking driver.

The train is filled with screaming and terrified passengers who are worried this is their last day on earth.

Paige got up and talked to the panicking crowd. "Everybody calm down we are going to be okay just relax".

"Clark were are you".

A sudden thud in the front of the train it was Clark stoping the train. The train stopped and luckily their was no damage and nobody was hurt. Clark had a little scratch but that didn't stop him. Clark fled the scene before someone spotted him.

Paige left the train and ran to the Daily Planet. Hi Chloe I just had the weirdest day ever said Paige. Oh my god what happened to you, you look like a mess said Chloe worried.

Our train's brakes weren't working so we couldn't stop, you should've saw it Chloe everybody was screaming and didn't know what to do with themselves said Paige. Well I am glad you are okay.

Hello Collins I have something to show you and you might be excited said Grant. "Is it my article"said Paige with pure excitement.

"Yes it is" grant pulls out the Sunday newspaper and Paige's article is in the back piece. Oh my god thank you thank you this is incredible Paige screamed.

You earned it now get back to work.

Paige starts some research about the Jurassic period and feels the urge to tell Chloe.

Hey Chloe


CLARK HAS POWERS Paige screamed.

Chloe quickly put her hand over Paige's mouth.

"Shhhhhh keep it down I know Clark has powers".  Oh okay.

"Please tell me you didn't tell anyone else" Chloe said.

Nope haven't told a soul.

Hey can I join your little team with Clark.

Umm it's kinda just me and Clark though.

Please Chloe please I promise I will be a good addition said Paige.

Okay what hell.

Thank you Chloe your the greatest friend ever.

"Hey skinny legs  are you trying to steal my spotlight"said Lois lane.

No I am not and please don't call me skinny legs.

Just get your head out of my spotlight okay sweetie.

Wow Chloe that was rude.

That's just Lois she is really sweet but she can get kinda bitchy.

Okay thanks for the heads up.

Paige feels another whoosh of wind towards her.

"Hello Clark" said Paige.

Oh hello Paige I didn't know you worked here with Chloe.

"Yes I do I am her partner"said Paige.

Hey did you guys know lex Luthor is having a underwater lab that is killing all the fish in the ocean I think you should check it out Clark said Paige.

Clark left as soon as he heard what she said.

Wow does he do that every time said Paige.

"Girl you don't even know" said Chloe sarcastically.

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