The Dinner from hell

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"Paige,it's kinda strange that I haven't haven't met your  family yet but your mom",Clark said. "Well is it because your trying to hide them from me?",Clark wondered. "No, of course not",Paige replied.

"Well why can't I meet them exactly",Clark asked again. "Well I don't know.... Your not from this planet",Paige spoke. Clark shook his head no. "Wrong answer try again".

"Shut Up",Paige laughed. "No seriously I want to meet them, I mean they do have a new member of the family",Clark reminded.

Paige sighed. "Only if you don't expose yourself as the blur". "Deal, when can I meet them". Paige hesitated. "Tomorrow".

"Why aren't you happy about this!",Clark questioned. "Well, my brothers are completely douchebags and they will attack you if you mess up".

"Don't worry i have a charm with families, they'll love me",Clark said. Paige gulped. "I hope".

Paige woke up the next morning feeling distressed. She thought everything that could go wrong at this dinner. She thought they wouldn't like Clark and force a divorce. Her heart was pounding with anxiety and her brain had a massive headache. She quickly fed Jonathan and got him ready.

She fed wolf and took him outside to use the restroom. Anxiety and  anxiousness filled her body. She told herself "take a breather Paige".

Clark came out with a button up shirt with dark black jeans and some white vans.

"Damn Daniel!",Paige joked. "Ha ha",Clark said.

"You look good babe",Paige complimented. "Thank you, I learn from the best".

"I look like shit",Paige said. "You look beautiful, listen whatever happens there it happens okay",Clark Said.


"Let's make this fun okay",Clark said. "Just please don't say anything about your powers",Paige repeated. "Okay it won't slip out, trust me".

Paige and Clark drove to the dreaded Collins residence. Paige's heart pounded more and more and the fears and thoughts came back and began to haunt her. She tapped her foot rapidly thinking time what just speed the hell up.

"Don't worry about Jonathan, they'll love him",Clark said. "It's not him I'm worried about it's you".

"Why do you think that Paige?",Clark questioned. "I don't know let's just get this over with".

Paige hesitated to ring the doorbell but she eventually pushed forcefully. Her mother stood there to open the door and exchanged awkward cheek kisses. Paige kept trying to push her off because she is a grown ass women. "Mom stop, I'm not 10",Paige argued. "Hi Clark nice to see you again".

"Nice to see you too",said Clark. "Aw is the little guy",Paige's mom said. "Yeah he is something",Paige muttered, still recovering from all those kisses.

A fellow family member made their way to the door. This time it was the oldest boy. "Well there's my favorite sister". Paige paused. "Oh shit. "And you must be Clark, I'm Michael".

"Nice to meet you too",said Clark, shaking Michaels grip tight hands with the look off danger.

Clark ignored the look and went on to meet the rest of the family. "It's lovely to have you here Clark",said Paige's mom. "So Clark, what is it you do?",Michael asked. "He works part time at the Daily Planet",Paige sharped.

Michael looked up. "Why are you answering for him?". "Because I can",Paige sharped back.

*breaking news: who is the mysterious red and blue blur is a civilian or an alien?

Michael gazed at the headlines and smirked. "When will this guy stop being a coward and show himself".

"Um I don't think it matters",Paige said. "Well as a citizen of this city I demand I know who these stupid vigilantes are".

"Shut the fuck up!",Paige shouted.

The room filled with silence. Paige's head was about to explode with a fuming look in her eye. Her mom broke the silence saying "they are superheroes they save you".

"Why are you so overprotective about these vigilantes, do you know them?",Michael asked. "I don't them, but i know they aren't villains",Paige said.

"I also know that they are trying to help our city",Clark included.

"They're nothing but liars and fakes, case closed",Michael ended.

"I'm done!",Paige said.

Paige walked out the room and shut the door forcefully. She grabbed herself a drink and walked straight to the car. Clark came after her and told her: "don't listen to them, it's okay". "No he's a fucking idiot and an asshole".

Paige went home and jumped on the rough but comfortable couch and slouched down to watch tv and to drink her heart out.

"Shit he's on to me".

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