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"How was your day?",Clark asked.

"It depends. What day is it? I don't know if I should be going for this promotion",Paige worried.

"Paige, your heart is in journalism. And you have a future in it. I know. I've seen it".

"Thanks for the confidence, by the way your mom sent us a gift". "It's a deed to the farm, it's a late wedding gift",Clark acknowledged.

"Oh how nice of her", Paige said. "I'm going to get going",Clark said.

"Mom, I really appreciate your gift. You really didn't have to". No... yeah. Okay, well, tell Conner I said hello, and I'll try to come out and visit soon. Okay. Bye.

"Paige be careful there is a phantom on the loose",clark warned. "What!, is it that weird version of you again",Paige said. "Yes so please be careful".

"After I left three messages, I got the feeling you might be mad. I'm guessing it has to do with the fact that the realtor you sent over to the house told you I was a psycho. She said I totally freaked out, didn't she? That bad? Okay, look, I was mad that you made the decision to sell without me, but it is your house, really. And, anyway, when I saw the realtor, I realized that I was about to lose something that was really important to me. I never had a permanent home growing up, and I remember living there with your folks, even though I thought you were a total dork at the time. Want to help me out here?",Paige worried.

"You're kind of cute when you squirm",said phantom Clark.

"Okay. Bonus. Anyway... the point is, the farm is the closest to a home that I've ever known. And when Marge showed up today, I felt ... afraid that if we lost that, if I lost that home, then I would never find another one",said Paige.

"That'll never happen. That's why we're together",said the phantom.

"That's why I found the rental pages. If you want to sell the farm, we'll make a new start",Paige said.

"It's really hard to imagine a new life together with such a threat still out there",said the phantom.

"Which threat?"

"Lionel Luthor. And if he's truly walking around on this Earth...".

"I understand what this is about. If you stop showing up for dinner, I will know where you are. You're hooked on our Lionel Cam, aren't you?",Paige said.

"That's right. And, you know, searching for Lionel alone doesn't sound like much fun. So why don't you come with me, and we can go over there right now?",the phantom said

"Oh, Clark Kent... frisky. I like it. But if you want to get your hands on Lionel's GPS system, you're gonna have to ask Tess. She's the one with all her claws in daddy dearest".

"I called her. She didn't answer".

"She's taking bids at the mansion, or what's left of it",said Paige.

"Well, I should go... be a hero and everything",Clark said.

"Yeah, but... but, before you go, just have a look at the place. I know the view's not that nice, but I thought we could bring a little bit of Smallville with us wherever we go. So?".

"I think I'm gonna like it here. First, we need to get rid of this stargazer's junk",The phantom said.

"Clark? Aren't you gonna go? The sirens... someone could need you".

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