Clark kent a daily reporter

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"Paige, we're going against traffic".

"That's sort of the point here, Clark. Try and keep up".

"These glasses are driving me crazy",Clark crazed. 

"And this jacket ... it's not helping".

"Your words, not mine".

"Look, after all the hero hating of the VRA, if The Blur doesn't show his face soon... People are gonna stop trusting me again",Clark worried.

"That didn't stop the Mayor from offering The Blur the key to the city",Paige said.

"Yeah, but that's ...".

"Yeah, but before that handsome hero face ends up on JumboTron screens in all your red-and-blue glory, we need to make sure that there is nothing handsome or heroic about
Clark Kent".

"And that's supposed to help?".

"Yes! So, just ... I don't know ... slope your shoulders a little bit, speak a little softer, and stop being so... so... ",Paige said, patting his shoulders down.


"Great! Honey, you need to be invisible and forgettable and ... exactly like that".

"I was like that, in Smallville. The thought of going back to that, I...".

"Clark... The real you can burn holes through buildings with a look and lift a freight train with one finger. Get over it".

"You know, the last thing you should be worried about is teaching me Mild-Mannered 101. You should be focused on that promotion that opened up now that Steve Lombard went to the Daily Star. They said that desk could be yours",said Clark.

"I'm counting on it. These need to stay on. Just work on it",paige said, mentioning the glasses.

"Hey... Guys! Wait ... gu ...".

"Brilliant save, sir".

"Of course it was, Skeets. Say "cheese," Junior".

"Uh, "cheese"?",said the boy.

"Life lesson to remember, kid ... always keep yourself open to the cameras".

"Who are you?"

"I'm sure you're all wondering who I am. Well, how about the 411? I'm pure gold, ladies and gentlemen. I am Booster Gold, the greatest hero you've never heard of... Till now! Later today, at the Ace of Clubs, I'll be signing autographs. Stop on by. If you need a hero... Ping me. Nice glasses. Remember ... it's Booster ... Gold!".

" He said 'nice glasses,' like he knew who I really was ",Clark said.

" Maybe he just liked your glasses. Or not. Are you sure you've never seen him before? ".

"How could you miss that? Booster Gold didn't come here for no reason. I need to figure out who he is and why he's here",Clark said.

"Hey, hey, watch it! When did you forget how to walk, Kent?",said a man.


"Clark. Just excuse him. I'm trying to help",Paige said.

"Help. By making me stumble into Ron Troupe?".

"Yeah. It's a start. Clark, you want people to look down on Clark Kent so they can look up... to The Blur. Which, by the way, isn't exactly gonna be a fitting name after you, you know, stop blurring and start standing in the spotlight",said Paige.

"Well, the spotlight's kind of crowded with Booster Gold",said Clark.

Okay, not that my curiosity isn't in overdrive "about Booster Boy, but you are making way more out of this than you need to. Okay?",Paige said.


"I'm sure our flying car salesman will buzz off as fast as he buzzed in".

Clark: Well, the spotlight's kind of crowded with Booster Gold.

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