Weather girls

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"Kara try to fit in" said Clark.

"Fit in how"?

"Just do anything you know normal".

"But first you need to know how to control your powers" said Clark.

"Says the person who can't fly yet" said Kara.

"See this watermelon I want you to make a smiley face out of it".

"What am I five" said Kara.

"Just do it".

"Oops" said Kara.

"I knew it your not ready" said Clark.

"You want me to fit in". "No problem but let me do it my own way".

"Hey Kara maybe you could join the little miss sweet corn pageant" said Paige.

"That's not a good idea" said Clark.

"Sure sounds like fun".

Little miss sweet corn makeup room

"Where's Karly?"."See, that's what I need to talk to you about".
"There's been a problem, but I took care of it".
"Hi" said Kara.

"I was wondering Your makeup looks so good -- Amazing, really".
"Would you help me?"."I'm sorry, sweetie, but you need help with more than just your makeup" said the girl.
"Why don't you go grow some corn or something?".
*knock knock

"I'll be right there" said Chloe.


"You were dead----wait how" Said Chloe.

"Don't worry about it Chloe--- I'm back now that's all that matters" said jimmy.

" I'm sorry but I am running late to the planet".

"I'll come with you I need my job back" said jimmy.
"One of the Miss sweet corn contestants was just iced like a popsicle" said jimmy.
"Thanks, Jimmy, but I can't exactly run out to Smallville for frozen sweet corn" said Chloe.
"I've got stories I've got to file".
"What's gotten into you? Chloe, someone set this girl's dial to deep-freeze".
"This has "meteor freak" written all over it" said jimmy.

"It's exactly the kind of story that your new editor ordered" said Jimmy.
"Yeah, I'm just not sure a judas priest reunion at madison square garden counts tord per diem, "L".
" "L"? Okay, okay.
"Lane, d-don't take it out on my eardrum"
"E-mail me your story, and we'll talk about Rwanda when you get back"
"Frosted beauty queen! Not bad, Sullivan" said the editor.
"Actually, it's not"."I knew if I light a fire under you, you'd stop boring me with city-council proposals, and bring something headline-worthy" said the editor.
"Tom, Jimmy Olsen".
"Panda boy".

"Polar bear, actually"jimmy interrupted.
"Listen, Chloester, hustle down to Smallville,Take panda boy with you".
"Get the scoop on our ice princess before any of the other papers, and you might just get to follow in your cousin footsteps" said the editor.

"How much blunt trauma do you think a stapler to the back of the head would cause" said Chloe."Show him what you got, Chloester" said jimmy.
"Look, you're busting your butt on stories of substance while lois is on assignment in new york, grabbing all the glory" said Jimmy.

"Are you really gonna let your cousin beat you out of the basement"?
"Five, six, seven, eight Okay, girls, take five minute break and we'll pick it up from the top".
"How can I help you, sheriff"? "I need to speak with you about the girl we found in the alley" said the cop.
"All I know is she and two other girls entered at the last minute".
"I really don't have any more information about her".
"Are you sure no one saw you? What you did to karly"?"She wanted out" said the girl.
"What else was I supposed to do"? "Maybe we should just hit the time capsule and go home" said the girl.
"Don't be an idiot".
"We need this pageant"
"It's the perfect distraction".
"Just stick to the plan".

"Meet the weather girls"
"I did a little bit of digging, and it looks like they've been bffs since before kindergarten" said Paige.
"According to that, they were all caught in some freak storm during the last meteor shower" said Clark.
"Is it possible that they all have powers"said Chloe.
"If they're so inseparable, why turn on each other over a -- A tiara"? "Clark, I don't think they're competing for the crown" said Paige.

"Our meteorological misfits have traversed the entire midwest" said Chloe."mud wrestling championship"
"Ring girls at a casino prize fight".

"That's the girl that was put on ice" said Paige.
"And every time, there's a major heist in the city" said Chloe.
"They're thieves? It's twistedly brilliant" said Paige."They're after the map" said Clark.

"And the treasure, which is supposedly millions in gold bars" said Paige.
"And given the rate of inflation, we're taking in the mother lode of all the buried booty" said Chloe.
"More than enough to kill your best friend over" said Paige.
"And anyone else".

"Don't tell me u're leaving" said the weather girls."I thought I need more help than just my makeup" said Kara.
"Maybe my cousin is right".
"I don't belong here".
"I'm sorry I was harsh on you, but that was before I knew you were special" said the girls.
"I saw you, Kara".
"You're a very talented girl".
"No, I'm just like everyone else" said Kara.

"You have powers just like us".
"You guys-- How"? "Let's just say we were in the right place at the right time dung the last meteor shower" said the weather girls.
"But the important thing is, you're not alone, Kara, and we need you".
"We're going on a Treasure hunt, to find the time capsule".
"But we can't do it without you".
"Here's a photo of the gold before it was stolen".
"It's more than enough to buy a new prada bag every season for the rest of our lives".
"All we need to do is get that map".
"Count me in"said Kara.
"And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for, Smallville's new miss sweet corn Kara Kent".
"Thank you so much".
"You've made a newcomer feel so welcome".
Hold on.
Please, everybody, stay seated.
"I'm gonna have to ask you to come with me, miss".
"What's happening"? "Your friends tipped us off".
"Kara Kent, you're under arrest".

Smallville county jail

"Haven't you learned anything"?"Breaking into the time capsule, what were you thinking" said Clark.
"I was thinking I had to get to that map before anyone else did" said Kara.
"You shouldn't have stolen the map at all".

"Even if the treasure it leads to is kryptonian"said Kara."Then why "wouldn't you tell me"?

"Where do you "want me to start,Your patronizing watermelon tutorials, your reprimands, or your general interest in everything I've done since I showed up" said Kara."Where is it"?
"I'll show you" said Kara
"You're gonna stay here until Chloe can get you out legally".
Next day

"Thanks Clark for your snappy ways to show me control" said Kara.

"Anytime, but in the future be careful.

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