Superman (final)

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"I guess the cellphone reception was starting to go down while Tess was leaving you this message",said Paige.

"Can you play it again?",Clark asked.

Tess' voice: "I was trying to warn you. Watchtower's been compromised. The prophets are at the center of this. According to the journals, Apokolips is an actual planet. It's coming".

"The eclipse ... Darkseid's behind it. That must have been why he tried to get Oliver to put that ring on me. He knows I would have tried to stop him. We need to find Tess. It sounds like she may know a way to defeat the darkness",said Clark.

"Thank you, General. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Defense Department aren't saying anything until the President makes a statement. If the Pentagon's not stepping up, I'll call in every available agent. Something tells me we'll need them all",said Martha.

"No offense, but I think we're gonna need a bigger team, and if Watchtower's down, I got to go to Star City to access my database",said Chloe.

"Well, then I'm going with you",said Oliver.

"No, I got this. Your talents are better used here with Clark. We got to figure out what happened with Watchtower. See you in the funny pages".

"Hey. I'd feel better if you let me be your chauffeur".

"No. You need to do what you do best ... be a hero",said Chloe.

"You too, Sullivan".

The fortress of solitude


"I knew you'd see me again... when you were ready",said Jonathan.

"I made a mistake, Dad. I thought I had to leave you behind. But it's you and Mom and everyone that I care about that makes this world worth saving",said Clark..

"But you're worried you're gonna fail this time. I know you're scared, son".

"I faced Darkseid before. He knows my weakness. He almost defeated me. I need your help".

"But, son, he never saw the man who's standing before me now. Clark Kent, as much as your mother and I tried to protect you from your origins, tried to prepare you to face any challenge... I'm sorry, son, but our guidance just isn't enough anymore. You're gonna have to let Jor-El guide you from here on out".

"I can't, Dad. I turned my back on him, like I did you".

"He's your father. He'll understand".

"Don't doubt yourself, Clark. This has been coming for a long time. Before you arrived... we wanted a child so badly. The day you found us in that field, you were the miracle we prayed for. Now the world needs that same miracle",said Martha.

"'s time".

"Thank you".
"It's good to have you back",Lionel greeted.

"I should have g-guessed it would be you",said Tess.

"No, no. No, no, no. Don't beat yourself up, Tess. I've been watching you very closely. I'm impressed. I must admit... I underestimated you".

"It's a little late. It's not really time for a father-daughter chat. There's literally a planet hurtling toward Earth",said Tess.

"Do I catch the tiniest hint of a doubt? Are you worried that your savior in red might not prevail?".

"He needs me",said Tess.

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