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"Tess. You didn't have to come all the way out here. There's caffeine dealers in Metropolis",Clark joked.

"I just... I just... I just feel like you and I haven't had a chance to really catch up lately",Tess said.

"Okay. So, how are you?",Clark began.

"Good. Good. How are you?",Tess responded.

"I'm fine, thanks",Clark finished.

"Right. Okay. Um... It's... it's just that t-there has been a little incident with our little project",Tess explained.

"Um ... Ever since Alexander's (cloned lex) reboot, he has been totally glitch-free a-and ready to enter the real world. Except he needs... he needs someone to... guide him. Um. S-someone like you",Tess asked.

"Me? He's a genetically engineered version of Lex. I don't think I'd be the best mentor for him",Clark said.

"About that... uh, he's soaking up new information like an MIT grad, a-and I think... I think he just needs someone there for him, like family",said Tess.

"technically, you are his sister",Clark said.

"But I'm no Clark Kent. I know you are the one that can bring out the best in him. Which is why he is outside waiting in the car",Tess said.

"Here?! Tess, you shouldn't... what if he remembers something about me?",Clark worried.

"He doesn't. He doesn't remember anything because he's going through this sort of metamorphosis. A-and ever since he's been changing, we have been learning new things about him, like things about his, um, genetic origin",Tess responded.

"Hey, Tess. Check it out",Alexander interrupted.

"Um, he doesn't just have Lex's genes. Half his DNA came from you",Tess said.

Lionel barges in. "So it's not just the Luthor males who like secrets".

"Given the fact that you're here, this place isn't really much of a secret",Tess barked.

"Ah, yeah, but you are forgetting I'm running Luthorcorp now. One of my, uh, crackerjack accountants informed me that millions of dollars had been funneled into this facility. But, uh, it looks as if you've closed up shop. I applaud your efforts... but you can't hide Alexander from me forever",Lionel explained.

"Wait what happened to lex",said Paige.

"He's dead",Clark informed.

Give me my son.

"I'm surprised you are so hell-bent on this family reunion, given the fact that in this world it was Lex that sent Lionel plummeting to his death",said Tess.

"That's proof that the Lex you knew was a true Luthor. I made a terrible mistake, Tess. I should never have trusted Clark more than my own flesh and blood",Lionel explained.

"Thanks for your help",said Clark .
"You're the one hiding a mutant under your roof. Tess keeps me on the move. This is 100 times better than playing lab rat for a bunch of doctors. They think I can't hear what they say about me",said Alexander.

"So, your name is Conner?",Clark asked. "It's from my medical files. 'Cognitional neuroplastic replicant'... CNR. 'Conner.' Tess thinks she's kept that a big secret from me. I think she's just embarrassed, you know? Taking care of a walking freak show,said Alexander.

"Hey boys I made lemonade if you guys want some",Paige said. "Thank you Mrs. Kent",Alexander thanked. "Please call me Paige I'm not old yet",Paige joked.

"Anyways, I promise, she's trying to protect you",Clark said. "From how people would react if they found out what I really was?",Alexander thought.

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