Kent (part 2)

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"What is it that you want?",Tess repeated

"You... and Dad... For different reasons, of course",said phantom Clark.

"If you're here to take out Lionel, I'm afraid I won't be the one that can help you",Tess said.

"Yes, you will".

"Not if you're talking about murder".

"He has a hold over us. And you need someone to come in and save you. That's what you want. I'm guessing you stay awake at night, scared of nightmares ... of being abandoned. You picture the day when you defeat him. I can give you that. And once Lionel's out of the picture, you can finally live the life that you're too afraid to even dream about ... with me. You've had a lot of second chances here, Tess, and I'm only asking for the same. People know about the meteor rock where I'm from, and they all know how to kill me. The whole world knows how to kill me there. But here I can have a fresh start. I can enjoy all the things that this world has to offer without the attention, because that was my mistake in the other world. But this isn't about us. Unfortunately, the situation here is kill or be killed".

"me get this straight... You're offering me a life with you, but if I don't help you, you'll kill me?",Tess wondered, still confused.

"That's certainly not my preference".

"I figure you got about five minutes before those cops show up out here",said Jonathan.

"Please still be here",Clark rummaged.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Hey, put the gun down!",Jonathan shouted.

"This was Grandpa's",Clark said.

"How'd you know it was up there?".

"You kept it close for when the coyotes came around the livestock. Now, look, this may be hard for you to understand, considering everything that's happened to you in this world... You taught me so much. You taught me how to be fair and honest. You taught me the only person in control of your destiny",Clark explained.

" ... is you".

"You were the man that I tried to live up to. You didn't have powers, and you didn't have a destiny to save the world, but you were my hero ... and I lost you".

"You have to get out of here",Jonathan said.

I'm not leaving you".

"You don't even know me. I'm just an ...obsessed man, hanging onto a place as if memories could make up a lifetime",Jonathan muttered.

"This place isn't your home ... Martha is. It's not the place ... it's the people in it. And Martha's still here. You still have a chance. It's better to risk everything than hold onto nothing".

"Who told you that?",Jonathan asked.

Jonathan: Who told you that?

"You did".

"They're almost here. You got to go. Goodbye. Good luck ... son".

Clark escaped the second world and returned back to the farm.

"Clark. Thank God!",Paige gasped.

"He was right there, Paige, standing right there".


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