New friends

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Paige's apartment stays silent all you can hear is the tv and Paige chomping on her popcorn like a cow. She was watching her new favorite show Scream Queens. She thought all the girls on the show were gorgeous. She really liked Ariana grande in the show.

It was a dark gloomy,thundering day in the small town of SmallVille. The clouds were taking over the sky in a bad way. Paige doesn't have to go to work today so she just wants to stay at home and chill with her pet husky wolf.

Wow the rain is dropping hard I hope my home doesn't flood said Paige.

*door bell rings

Paige starts to shiver in fear and grabs a pan and opens the door.

Who's their.

A man/women stands tall behind the door. A person is dressed like a weird looking red devil. The devil held up a knife and was about to stab Paige.


"Paige it's me Chloe it's a prank don't be scared.

Chloe what the hell you scared the crap out of me.

I am so sorry Paige I didn't mean to scare you that bad.

Alright Chloe let me just go fresh myself up and I will be right down.

Um Paige why is your house the only one that's covered in rain.

What do you mean Chloe.

Come down here you might want to look at this.

today is a beautiful day in Smallville not a drop of rain in sight.

Look at the news it's saying its not raining at all.

Then why is my house covered and being poured on by rain.

"I will call Clark" said Chloe.


Clark we have a situation please come over to Paige's house hurry.

I'm on my way.

"Chloe what's wrong" said Clark.

Um Paige's house is the only house covered in rain.

That's so weird what's causing this to happen.

"I wouldn't call you if I knew what's happening Clark" said Chloe sarcastically.

"That's weird a unknown number is calling me" said Paige.

*hello who is this

Get me the flash or your house will be burnt into flames.

Wait who are-phone cuts off.

"Paige who was it" said Chloe.

Some weird person he said he wants the flash whoever that might be. He said if I don't get him he will burn my house.

Well we're can we find this flash.

"I don't know I heard some rumors that in central city a mysterious blur they call the scarlet speedster. Maybe that's who we are looking for" Chloe said.

Well I guess we will look their.
>>>few hours later

"I am so tired let's get some coffee" said Paige.

Okay there is one over here.

"CC Jitters that sound fancy" said Chloe.

Hi can I get a mocha frappé please.

In love with the blurTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang