Aqua man

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"Hey Chloe wanna head out and get some coffee looks like you need some" said Paige.

"Ha ha very funny but I have to get this report done so can I take a rein check" said Chloe.

"Ok that's fine"said Paige.

Paige makes her way to the coffee shop with her arms folded and a sad look on her usually happy face.

"Hi Lana I will take a coffee 2 creams 2 sugars"said Paige.

"What's with the sad look" said Lana.

"Nothing it's just Chloe couldn't come with me but it's fine thx" said Paige.

"Do you wanna talk and catch up" said Lana.

"Sure I would love to" said Paige.

"So I got a job at the Daily Planet recently I am a journalist with Chloe.
I bought a dog he is a Siberian husky.
And that is my boring life" said Paige.

"So I recently got married to lex Luthor" said Lana.

"WAIT YOU GOT MARRIED congratulations" wait did you say lex Luthor.

"Yes lex Luthor why so surprised" said Lana.

"Not to be rude but he is kinda a bad person" said Paige.

"No he is not Paige,he has changed" Lana said.

"Hey Paige can I talk to you for a sec" said Clark

"Yea what's up" said Paige.

"Smallville is always in a hurry" said Lois.

"Hey Lois how have you been cleaning bathrooms and such" said Clark.

"Whatever" said Lois.

"So what is it" said Paige.

"It's lex he is building a underwater laboratory and it's killing the sea animals" said Clark.

"Awwww poor fishes" said Paige.

"Hey call Chloe we have been working so hard that we should have a beach day" said Clark.

Wait what about lex.

"That can" said Clark.

Paige: he Chloe do you want to go to the beach with me Lois and Clark.

Chloe: sure I will be ready in 20.

"Okay let me just go home really quick to get my bathing suit and sun screen" said Paige.

"Hi wolf have you been being a good boy" said Paige.

Wolf just stares straight confused at Paige but also jumps around with joy.
>>> 20 minutes later

"Hi Chloe that bikini is so pretty on you" said Paige.

Thank you, you to.

Paige's pov: omg look at Clarks abs omg I am dying.

"Take a picture it will last longer".

"Ha ha very funny Lois" said Paige.

"Hey I am gonna go swim for a little" said Paige.

"Okay I will swim to in a little" said Chloe and Clark.


Clark ran after Paige as soon as he could. He was pushing so hard to go faster to save Paige from drowning. Suddenly a man was faster than Clark and saved Paige from the ocean.

" come on breath 1 2 3"

"What happened" said Paige.

"You were drowning luckily I saved you"

"What's your name" said Paige.

"Arthur, Arthur Curry"

"Thank you" said Paige.

"No problem" said Arthur.

Arthur quickly jumps in the water in pain and screams so loud. Paige and Clark sit their confused and worried about Arthur.

"Help Clark save him" said Chloe.

Clark jumped in the ocean and used his super speed to find Arthur curry Clark saw him go into this sorta lab and Arthur was going to bomb the whole place down. Clark confronted him and Arthur still had the ringing in his ears.

"What are you doing here" said Clark.

"Can't you see these machines are killing the fishes the underwater life I have to stop it" said Arthur.

"What are you, who are you" said Clark.

"You tell me, it's impossible to swim that fast how did you do it" said Arthur.

"Just forget about it" said Clark.

"How do we stop it" said Clark.

"We blow it up" said Arthur.

"Why is he taking so long" said Paige.

Let's do it, use your laser vision or heat vision what ever you call it. Just blow this place up.


Clark uses his fiery glowing eyes and melts every single thing in sight cause the place to explode. Clark and Arthur ran out before the place exploded.

"You guys are back" said Paige.

"What happened" said Lois.

"A lab that lex built to kill underwater sea life luckily me and Arthur destroyed it before anything got hurt" said Clark.

"What you can't say it" Paige said nodding her head motioning to Lois.

"Can it Clark you didn't tell her I knew" said Lois.

"Okay the good part is everybody is okay" said Chloe.

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