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"I know you're probably still reeling from the Conner bomb that I dropped on you this morning, but you're the only member of our merry little league that can help me now",said Tess.

"Well, considering I don't have any amazing powers or cool gadgets, I do find that hard to believe",said Paige.

"You can talk Clark into getting rid of Lionel Luthor once and for all",Tess suggested. "I know you already went up this hill and got shot down. Since the Lionel Clark knew came around in the end, Clark is hoping this Luthor will change his spots, too",said Paige.

"Oh, hey. We need to draw a line in the sand, Paige. Clark needs to act now",Tess said.

"Lionel knows his secret. He knows what can hurt him. And if they rumble in the asphalt jungle, Clark could go down for the count",Paige informed.

"Yeah, he could. But we both know how Lionel destroyed his own world when he had a super-powered son, and if he gets ahold of Conner, he will do the same here. I know how dangerous this is for Clark. We don't have a choice",Tess said.

"Maybe we do. Just hear me out. When Eliot Ness couldn't nab Capone for murder, the government sent him up the river for getting sloppy with his taxes. Now, you and I both know that Lionel would have spent a pretty penny to hide the fact that he's from another world. What if he was just as sloppy?",Paige said.

"If we can find a detail that he overlooked, we could prove that he's a fake... and his entire House of cards will come crashing down",Tess said.

"This is pointless",Alexander sighed.
"Everything that we do with our abilities is our responsibility. That's why we have to learn how to control them before they control us. That's why we practice",Clark explained.

"I lifted the tractor without any practice",Alexander boasted. "When you put it down, you broke the beam behind the stall",Clark reminded.
"Who taught you how to do all this stuff?",Alexander asked.

"My parents were there every step of the way. My dad... He believed that all the hard work he had me do would teach me how to control my abilities, teach me character. Conner, you may not have parents, but you have me. I'll always be there for you. What do you say we take another shot at your heat vision? Just concentrate and light the candle. You'll get it eventually",Clark explained.

"You know, we have a doorbell",Clark muttered.

"I was just stopping by to see how things were going, but it looks like I should have brought marshmallows",Tess joked.

"You know, he's getting things faster than I did",Clark said. "If I didn't know any better, that might look like a glint of pride in your eyes. Unfortunately, uh, Clark, I just talked to my inside man, and Lionel knows that Conner's here. So we need to move him",Tess said.

"I'm gonna call Oliver and Chloe in Star City. We can send him there",Clark said.

"We have kept him in the dark about who he really is. Don't you think it's time to let Conner know the truth about the other side of the family?",Tess suggested.

"Considering everything that happened, I don't think it's a good idea that he knows half of his DNA came from Lex. We can never let him know that half of him is Luthor",Clark ordered.

"What did you find on Lionel?",Tess asked.

"It seems Lionel 2.0 has dotted every "L" and crossed every "T." I mean, his resurrection is so ironclad, he'd give Lazarus a run for his money. He's even had government lackeys reissue every official document with his autograph. Now, we know it seems like a dead end, but I'm having some G-men turn over that rock and see what's underneath. Over and out",Paige responded.

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