Hawkgirl part 3

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Paige sits alone, nothing to do, worries about Clark, Paige starts biting her nails. The pain didn't bother her, Clark did. Paige worries that savage would do anything to kill Clark,and kill her friends.

"The plan isn't going to work" said Oliver.

"What do you mean it's not going to work?" Said Cisco.

"Kendra's wings did not grow, savage used the staff to wipe out central city, and every body was basically dead. But I traveled in time, so yeah the plan didn't work.

"Wow we need to come up with more strategic plans" said Chloe.

"Hey Oliver can we talk" said Paige.

Sure what's up.

Your DNA tests were positive you are the father, but tell felicity before something goes wrong.

I knew it all along, I am such an idiot.

Oliver it isn't your fault, now go talk to felicity.
"Felicity can I need to tell you something, it's very important" said Oliver.

"What is it Ollie" said felicity.

"I had Paige take some DNA tests to see if I have a child" said Oliver.

"....."felicity stood quiet.

Please say something, anything.

"Why didn't you tell me before, why now" said felicity.

Paige just told me, I came to you right after.

"I just need some time to think.... Okay".

"I am so sorry, but don't worry she will get over it" said Clark.

"Thanks Clark, I hope so to".

"Now let's catch that son of a bitch" said Clark.
"Alright new plan" said Oliver.

Kendra hawkman you would do the same thing like last time- "but what if my wings don't come out" Kendra interrupted, don't worry they will work.

"Anyways me and Clark will shoot arrows and lasers at savage, and Barry will get the staff.... Then boom savage dies" said Oliver.

"Kendra we need you to sprout those wings, or we die" said Caitlin.

"I will talk to her" said hawkman.

"No I am going to talk to her" said Cisco.

"Just do what ever you need to do" said Barry.

"Kendra don't listen to all that anger talk, believe, and you will uncover success" said Cisco.

"Thanks Cisco that helps a lot" said Kendra.

"Let's do this" said Barry.

"Look who we have here, prestise get ready to fulfill your fait" said savage.

"You might want to leave, it's gonna get a little bloody in here" said savage.

"Just do what ever you need to do " said Oliver.

"It's nice to see you again my love" said savage.

"I will never be your love" said Kendra.


Oliver stabs savage forcefully, but still no effect. He starts getting frustrated and Just keeps distracting savage from Barry.

"Kendra now" said hawkman.

"It's working" said Kendra.

"Barry grab the staff" said Clark.

"I got it, time to die" said Barry.

"Your not doing this alone" said Oliver.

Barry and Oliver use the staff to create a beam to destroy savage for good and to protect Kendra from harm.

"I got your back" said Clark joining in with Barry and Oliver.

"What are you doing, you are ruining everything"said savage.

"Guys be careful" said felicity through the ear piece.

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"He's dead, we did it" said Kendra.

Barry, Clark and Oliver group hug each other, "okay that's enough" said Oliver.
"I am sorry I don't want to ruin your reputation" said Clark.
"CLARK YOUR OKAY" screamed Paige.

Yes I am fin-"shut up and kiss me" interrupted Paige.

"Get a room you two" said Caitlin.

"Bye Caitlin, Cisco don't give her a hard time okay" said Paige.

" yeah yeah whatever" said Cisco.

"Bye felicity, I hope you and Oliver can make it together" said Paige.

"Don't worry we will figure it out" said felicity.

"See you at watchtower Ollie" said Paige.

"Don't ever call me that okay" said Oliver.

"Bye Barry, (whispers)"I will miss you the most"said Paige.

Alright guys lets go back home.

You said it.

Thanks for read my flash smallville arrow crossover, I hope you guys enjoyed it✌️

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