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"Kneel",said General Zod.

"Where are you taking Oliver?",Clark asked.

"You're worried for him. You should be. But there's nothing you can do. I know. It's terrible, feeling so ... powerless, when you know you've got such strength inside of you, with no way of unleashing it",said zod.

"Even without the yellow sun, I will find a way to defeat you",said Clark.

"You'll have to work twice as hard. Because when I arrived here, I made a very special acquaintance, someone you know, and someone I'm very, very... fond of",said zod


"The original Zod's phantom".

"Finally...back in the body that you stripped me of. Now I have the full knowledge of two lives, and you... you are my enemy in both",said Zod.

"I defeated you in both",Clark reminded.

"Which is why it will give me double the satisfaction to see you kneel... ...and serve... until you die. You sent me to my death sentence. You left me at the mercy of those Kandorians. This was my punishment",said Zod.

"Jor-El built this place for your kind",Clark said.

"My kind? Is that why you sent Slade here? What would Jor-El think about you using his prison for your purposes? There's no trial, no jury ... just the rule of Kal-El. But I suppose in the end, it became your undoing, didn't it?",said Zod.

"It was all a trap. And you knew once that I saw Slade had been sent back, I'd come here looking for answers",said Clark.

"And you came".

"You have the console crystal. How?",Clark wondered.

"We're blood brothers Kal-El. Have you forgotten how you healed me with your blood on Earth?".

"We're not brothers. I saved you because it was the right thing to do. We have nothing in common",Clark explained.

"We're from the same world. Do you really think that having powers is the only thing that makes you Kryptonian? It's not. We share the same instincts. We're decisive... single-minded, headstrong. We were meant to be leaders".

"Leaders? You're a tyrant who only believes in himself",said Clark.

"Who else should I put my faith in? We both know that trusting others is a calculated risk, one a Kryptonian is not willing to take. Oh, we can easily fool those closest to us, can't we? But we can lean on no one. Do you remember that most famous story about two brothers from your adopted planet? You've got Cain... and Abel. Which brother are you, Kal-El?".

"Well, I'd never murder you. I saved you".

"You exiled me. I'm in charge here and you're about to find out what that means... Brother",zod inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"They want you to fight. To the death. Look out! The shield! Use the shield! Look. Hey. Here", Oliver tried to inform Clark.

"In the arena, we answer failure with the only thing suitable ... death", zod said.

In any arena, one fighter walks away. Oh, when are you going to learn it's kill or be killed? It always was".

"Maybe in your world, but not in mine!",Clark shouted.

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