The bow of orion

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"Hey Clark I've been thinking",said Paige.

"Thinking what"?.

"If you want to hide your identity you need a new cover",said Paige.

"I don't need to do that".

"Come on Clark just try it".

"So here wear these glasses".

"Ugh fine",said Clark.

"See you look good".

"Now I got you a job at the Daily Planet".

"Your kidding right",said Clark.

"Not really. You need a new cover people are getting suspicious".

"Okay but I don't want any competition between us",said Clark.

"Clark your looking at a star reporter",said Clark.

"Don't get cocky now",said Clark.

"Haha funny".

Next day

"Your Clark's cousin, Kara, right?",said Oliver."Yeah".
"How long have you been down here?" "I got to get you out".
"No, wait".
"It'll kill you",said Kara.
"There's got to be some way to turn off this death ray from hell",said Kara.
"How did Watchtower find me?" "I haven't checked in for weeks",said Oliver.
"Well, I hate to break it to you, but I'm not part of a search party",said Kara.
"I just came here to f"-- "find The Bow of Orion",Oliver interrupted.

"What do you know about it?",said Kara.
" You're looking for it, without Clark?". "So are you, apparently",said Kara.
"I have my reasons".
"So do I".
"Mine have to do with protecting Clark",said Kara.
"Who are you here to save?"
"Right now, you're topping my list".

"You say you can read this stuff?",said Kara.
"It's a prophecy about the return of Darkseid written by the hunter himself".
"When I touched Orion's symbol, this trap was sprung",said Kara.
"You say this is a prophecy".
"One that heralds the end of the world".
"Naturally",said Oliver.

"What's the rest of it say?"
" Can you read anything else?".
"That a balance must exist between light and darkness, and to wield the bow's power and save the world, hands must first right the scales' two sides",said Oliver.
"Hands must first right the scales' two sides".
" If this guy Orion was so concerned about balancing everything out, maybe we just need to add to one side of the scale",said Kara.

"I considered that, but the Omega is a symbol of darkness, of the enemy",said Oliver.
"So I've heard".
"I'm just thinking that if I touch it, maybe a balance will be struck",said Kara.
"Or we could be stuck down here for centuries".
"Your call".
"Clark trusts you",said Oliver.
"I suppose that's enough for me".
"You okay?".
"Thank you".
"You're welcome".
"Just took an extra hand to balance it -- that's all",said Kara.
"Let's go get what we came for",said Oliver.

"The Bow of Orion is the key",said Oliver.
"It worked for him, right?". "Only after he found the strength to turn away from the darkness, even though that meant turning away from his father",said Oliver."Orion is Darkseid's son".
"He was raised by someone who believes in spreading the light instead of the darkness his birth father had created".
"And eventually he swore to serve that light instead".
"Look at that",said Kara.

"It looks like another one of Orion's tests to see if we're worthy",said Kara.
"If this is about balancing light and darkness, it's gonna require two shots to open the door -- one from each symbol",said Oliver.
"Which also means you have to hit it at exactly the same time".
"Sort of like a bank shot".
"It's easier than it looks",said Kara. "just point and shoot, really",said Oliver.

"You got it",said Oliver.
"You really trust me to do this",said Kara.
"Well, it's like you said -- if Clark trusts you, that's enough for me",said Kara.

"Nice shooting, partner".
"Kara, are you all right?"."What's wrong?".
"Is this another trap?"."It's Jor-El",said Kara.
"I have to leave".

"You have to retrieve the bow and deliver it to Clark",said Kara.
"I'm trusting you now".
The fortress of solitude
"Jor-El! Why would you call me back when I almost had the bow?",said Kara. The bow is Kal-El's destiny, not yours.
"You told me to protect Kal-El",said Kara.

"Why would you interfere when I was so close to finishing what you told me to do?",said Kara.

"I believe you care about Kal-El and wish to help him, but ultimately, this battle must be his",said Jor-El.
"That is why I've called you here -- to make a choice".

"A choice"? "There are two paths laid out before you, Kara".
"You can leave Earth now and allow Kal-El to embrace his destiny, or you can stay and help him, risking the future of this planet",said Jor-El.
"Kal-El and I have fought Darkseid together before",said Kara.

"You involved Kal-El against my wishes",said Jor-El.
"He was too weak then, and he was almost overcome by darkness".
"You have grown strong".
"Your will is no longer at the mercy of my command".
"You will need that strength to forge your own path".
"It is in your hands to choose".

"You want me to just walk away?". "Kara, your own destiny is written".
"It is in another place and time".
"But this is Kal-El's battle, and he must fight it alone".
"Even though a time will come when he turns away from me, in the end, he will make the right decision".

"He is ready".
"This is his time".
"He's the only family I have left".
"I have to at least warn him",said Kara.
"Sometimes the greatest sacrifice a person can make is to give up what they hold most dear",said Jor-El.
"He's beautiful",said Chloe.

"He's my bundle of joy",said Paige.

"Does that mean I can't see you at work",questioned Chloe.

"Yes,but not very long".

"Good. I'll miss getting you coffee everyday",said Chloe.

"Your trials are not a riddle, Kal-El".
"They are stepping stones on a long path".
"A path that I could blindly walk forever, but I understand now",said Clark.
"This whole time, it's been up to me to decide when to take control of my own destiny",said Clark.
"The trials end when I'm ready for them to end".
"Your journey is far from over",said Jor-El.
"But I can only be what the world needs when I can finally admit that I'm no longer just the son of Jor-El or Jonathan Kent".

"And you knew the time would come when neither of you could guide me anymore, and that time Is now".
"Goodbye, Jor-El".

"You all right?"."You know, Clark, walking a mile in your shoes is so different than I imagined it would be",said Paige.
"When you're just a reporter with a story, the word hits the paper, the paper hits the stands, and -- and it's over".
"But for you, it's -- it's never over, is it?"."No".
"I guess I tell myself there will always be a balance of good and evil in the world, but it's up to me to tip the scale",said Clark.
"I always knew That you had a big heart",said Paige.
"I just never realized how strong it was".
"Good luck, Clark".

The finale coming soon

In love with the blurOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora