chapter 7

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Masons p.o.v

I go and shift back behind a tree and put on some gym shorts I stashed in the tree. When I come out I see the lion that came out of nowhere smashing the rogue on the ground then bites down on his neck to finish him off. She soon turns back to me and walks over to were she is right in front of me, to my surprise she laus down at my feet. I can tell she is a shifter by her smell it smells like honey suckles and pine. "SHIFT" I demand useimg my alpha voice just so she has no choice but to obey. I look into her eyes and see they are fogged over. So I know she's speaking with her lion, she stands up and nods two seconds flat the person standing if front of me shocked me so much I lost my train of thought all I could say was "Katie" ' what the, how the, what is going on she was human I swear she had no trace of being a supernatural?' 'Oh my god Brian she had to have seen us shift there's no way she missed it.' "Mason, hey Mason snap out of it and lets go you have some explaining to do." She yells at me while snaping her fingers in front of my face. I say nothing but I do let her know I heard her by nodding, once we get back to the car I make shure she is buckled then take off. Probly going twenty over the speed limit.
After the most awkward car ride I have ever been in, Katie was yelling at me to give her answers right then but all I could do was stare at the road. Once we got back she was still yelling at me, which caught a lot of attention from the rest of the blood moon pack. I just continued inside and turned back to Katie who has now given up. " Katie listen I know you want answers, and I will be more than happy to answer them in the morning ok."
She lets out a short sigh and looked me in the eyes, "Fine but I better get answers in the morning."with that said we wwnt up the stairs and she went to her room and I went to my room, god it is killing me not to hold her all night, and to wake up to those beautiful brown eyes of hers looking at me.

Kate's p.o.v

I have been awake for who knows how long, I look over at the clock and it reads 1:00 am.
For some reason I have this strange feeling to go to Masons room to sleep, I dont know why though. Ten more minutes of not being able to sleep did it, I gave up and silently opened mt door and walked across the hall to his room. I open the door as silently as I can and walk over to his bed, "Mason, Mason wake up" he grunts and rolls over. Really dude I didnt want to resort to this but oh well. I reached down and started tickling his sides, he shoots straight up and looks at me giving me the ' what the h***' look. I put on my best innocent face " What you wouldn't wake up" "Katie this better be good for You to wake me up by tickling me. "Acutely it is, I couldnt sleep so I was wondering if I could sleep in here" he gives me a sleepy smile "Of course, come on baby." At that I an eyebrow "I'll explain later" I let it slip and climb in the bed. As soon as I lay down Mason drapes his arm around my stomach and pulls me closer. I ignore the little sparks that ignite were his arm lays, after that I fall into a peaceful sleep.
Ok yall here's a chapter I hope yall liked it. It wasn't as good as I wanted it to be so im sorry.
Anyway question time:
Should I add a new character or would it be to soon?
Also should any of the guys in chapter 5 find mates in the near future?
Ok yall please answer the questions in the comments or message me the answers doesn't matter.
Thanks for reading.
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