21 pt.2

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As the sun starts to set everyone gathers around down stairs, to head out. As I make sure everyone's here I spot my mother in the corner smiling happily at us all, brightly smiling I walk over to her. "Amazing aren't they." I ask more of a rhetorical question ,
"Yeah, they seem like really wonderful people, don't let them get away." She says with her smile only widening and her voice soft and calm like always. "LETS MOVE OUT" I yell above everyone's chatter and walk out the grand doors to Mason's car, waiting patiently for my Prince Charming to arrive. So busy in my thoughts I hadn't noticed him starting the car. Swiftly moving into the car, we head down the street to the old Victorian styled mansion.
Arriving no longer then five minutes later, Mason pulls into the long circular drive way, while the other three cars pull in next. Getting out one by one everyone stays quite as if waiting for directions. Glancing to Mason then back to our awaiting crowd, giving a slight head nod then turning around and placing hand on my mates arm. Walking elegantly up to the front doors, where two men stand guard opening them as we approach. From the moment the doors opened everything fell silent and all eyes were on us, moving across the floor the giant crowd of wolves part like the Red Sea. Each one bowing there head as we pass, to show loyalty and submission to their Alpha and Luna.
'Man, Katie look at them all, bowing to us. Never thought that we would be hosting a ball with fancy dresses and a handsome mate, with one hundred people bowing and parting as we walk'
Funny thing was I couldn't agree with her more, never would I have thought this would be my life. Yeah I have always dreamt of it, but they were always just that dreams that were just beyond my reach. I clear my head and see we have gotten to the staircase and now facing the crowd, smiling when my mate starts talking, loving his kind, gentle, smooth, but powerful voice, hanging on like it was the last time I would ever hear it.
"Welcome everyone, we are glad you could make it. You all know the procedure for tonight, yes we want you to have fun, but your safety is our top priority. Which means no fighting, arguing, or ruff housing. If I or any of the guards catch this behavior happening, you will be sent on your way promptly.
Thank you and let the night began"
He finishes off by raising both hands in the air signaling for everyone to clear the space for us to dance to kick off the night.
I take his hand and he leads me onto the floor as "read all about it" by Emeli Sandé starts playing. He swiftly but gently puts a hand on my hip and taking my hand, looking into my eyes with this look, that only held joy, love, protectiveness that would make any girl melt right on the spot. This makes me smile knowing those soft and gentle eyes belonged to a man who was mine and mine only. We're now gliding across the floor, barely touching it. And before I know it he's twirling me around and around, letting me out and bringing me back into a dip. Just staring into his eyes and being in his strong protective hold, makes me lose track of were I am. Pulling me back up and placing him soft gentle lips to my forehead ending the song. Not long after another song plays and everyone glides onto the dance floor, dancing with a mate or friend it doesn't matter.
Mason and I move off of the floor and back to the stair case watching our pack dancing and laughing. I turn to him and thank him for all this it's more then I could ever ask for, him and the guys did a great job decorating.
Hours pass and the evening fades away.
Just as I thought we were gonna get through the evening perfectly fine
The doors crash open and our best worrier
Comes running in out of breath.
The sight was absolutely gruesome
His left leg had a huge gash running down the side and blood pools out.
The uniform seemingly torn to shreds, seeing this took everyone by surprise.
Gasps explode every where,
Just as I'm about to start throwing questions he speaks.
"Luna, alpha,
Rouges are flooding in from all corners there seems to be around two-thousand
To many for our fighters to take on.
We're being slaughtered."
His voice is raggid and frightened which only
Terrified me more,
We have the best fighters there is
If he's frightened then
We're most likely not winning this.
" I see,
Everyone into the locked basement
Unless your a trained or in training fighter
Or an able bodied man."
I bark out and grab Mason
Turning to walk out.
"Katie" I hear a voice call behind me,
Turning around I see
Our group Morgan leading them, knowing exactly what she'll say I spit out a prompt
"Katie you listen to me, and you listen good
You are not going out there alone we are coming and that's final
You try to stop us Luna and we'll fight to go"
She says completely serious and a tiny bit of power laced in her words.
Dropping my head I sigh knowing good and well she's not giving up.
"As you wish, come on"
And with that we're walking out
And I'm leading the pack, it doesn't take long to find the fight.
The horrendous scene in front of me causes
Sam to promptly take over and a thunderous growl to erupt.
My sweet sweet Madlyn is in the arms of a sinister looking man.
Everything runs quiet the fighting,
The snarls and growls it all silences.
The man turns towards me and let's out a cackle.
"Katie darling, nice of you to join the party.
Having fun with mommy dearest."
He spits with venom as he looks slightly to my right, where I'm guessing my mother stands.
Another growl erupts from me as I take a step closer before my actions were interrupted.
"Now now Katie
I wouldn't do that, we wouldn't want something to happen to darling little Madlyn now would we.?"
He tsks, and scrapes a sharp finger down her arm in emphasis.
She cries out in pain calling out for me or Mason and tries to get away,
Seeing her in so much pain makes my blood boil to unruly temperatures.
Growling once more,
Sam calls out wanting her child back.
"Katie dearest
It's simple, all you have to do is die."
It hit me hard, to die
Is all it will take for them to release everyone.
"No you will not have her, she is ours and
You touch one hair on her head and you will be destroyed."
I barely finished my word before Camron and Mason speak up.
"Fine by me." He snarled out
Throwing Madlyn to the ground
"We have no use for her,
Kill her"
Those two words were all it took for Sam to loose it,
She springs forward right before a sickening crack rings through the field.
My eyes widen and I drop to the ground,
Loosing every ounce of feeling in my body.
My head spins, it feels as if neither me or Sam are in control we're just
I can't move I can't speak.
All I can do is stare at my baby girl laying there,
Right at that moment everything comes rushing back all feeling all sight all movement
Is back, I stand and look around
And then his face renders my vision
And all my focus is on him.
I lounge forward
My claws coming out, right as I'm fixing to reach the bastard
I'm tackled to the ground
And a large pair of sharp teeth are latched onto my front paw.
An ear splitting whimper escapes me as I hear another dreadful crack ring through my ears.
Turning my head I see Mason's down to,
And all at once all hope is lost
We're all down I can't move and he's wounded.
My body finally says it's had enough and gives out. But not before Logan tackles the rouge and snaps its poor poor neck, I pass out.

Waking up three hours later
I'm horrified by the sight.
Bodies are scattered everywhere in a sea of blood.
My breathing picks up as I start to identify each body.
I catch my moms eye and run up to her, now crying.
"Who's left
Are they all gone..."
My voice squeaks out.
As soon as her face drops and a look of sympathy crosses her face I knew it wasn't good.
"Katie I'm sorry...
60% of the pack didn't
They didn't make it.
The only ones left in your group are your sister,
Camron, Chase, and Mason."
At that moment my world completely fell
And nothing mattered anymore.
They were all gone and because of what...
Because of me...
I did this...

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