Chapter 22

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One month later
Mason's p.o.v
"Katie come on you need to eat, please"
Pleading with my mate, starting at her eyes that are dark and grey now. She's really taken it hard, the fight, we lost a lot of people. It went from over a thousand members to a little less then 500, and with the deceased included our group. Except chase, my sister, and Katie's sister, other than that they all went down fighting. After she found out it was her dad, trying to get her, she's blamed herself for everyone's death. Insisting she should have stopped it somehow. She mumbles slightly barely audible, "I'm not hungry...".
My wolf tries to connect with Sam, knowing that he could somehow in someway convince Sam to take over and make her eat and move saying she hasn't done either in days.
But with no luck, she's had her walls up for a week now refusing to talk to anyone, including me. This makes Josh whimper, sighing I set the food down on her nightstand and walk back out to see a distraught looking Cam and chase. Shaking my head I walk down the hall to my office, shutting the door behind me and walking over to a framed picture on the shelf, the photo showed me, Katie and the rest of the group at the Chattahoochee river, sitting at a picnic table. A stray tear slips free, one after another they fall.
Katie's p.o.v
Over and over the scene plays out, the blood, evil cackles, and worst of all the lifeless bodies of my best friends. It's all my fault, if i would have stopped him if I would have made them stay down with the older women and children, they would still be alive. Again the tears start prickling my eyes, and fall once more today.
'Katie please, it wasn't your fault there's no way you could have known,' "there all gone because he wanted me, there all gone because I couldn't protect my pack" I mumble silently to myself. Looking down at my hands, I remember it truly was my fault. A week before the ball I was shopping for food and this guy about my age approached me at first I was very weary, but then he introduced himself as Jayden, my brother. He didn't smell of rogue, so I invited him to the ball gave him the address and left. Then thinking back to that night I remember him smirking at me from the woods, knowing that whatever happened that night would be my fault. I Had led them here, and I had gotten half of my pack killed. Tears are now pouring from my eyes, standing up I walk to the mirror and seeing the true beast I was, failing at containing the rage, despair, and shocked state of finally knowing for sure it was my fault, I bring my arm back and with full force punch the mirror. Sending shards of glass flying everywhere and sticking into my when it did. Screaming, I fall to the ground hating who I was, hating what I did, and hating what I caused. Screaming again and again, I hear footsteps running and doors slamming. Then someone bursts into the room and I slip unconscious but not before noticing the pool of blood surrounding me from the glass.
The next day
Pain that's all I feel as I openly eyes and am blinded by a very bright white room, like seriously who paints a room this white dang.
As I slowly peel then open I notice the i.v attached to my arm and my hand bandaged up. Confused as to what has happened, I look around and see my reflection in the tv in from of the room and everything comes flooding back. The realization and the fury. I look down as the door opens and cam comes in with a bowl of cereal and an apple. "Good afternoon Katie, good to see your up," I just look at her, " just give me the food, I know good and well I ain't leaving till I do." I state blankly to her, knowing exactly that's what's going to happen. She sighs and sets the tray in my lap, slowly i start eating eating the small bowl of cereal and finish up the apple in less then ten minutes as Cam watches me. "Cam can you get the doctor I'm ready to leave" she nods and heads out leaving me alone again, or so I thought. Causing me to be spooked when Mason sits up from the chair in the far corner. "I was worried about you, ya know" he speaks softly walking over to the bed and sitting down on the edge. Looking down slightly ashamed I worried my mate and caused him trouble, "I know and I'm sorry Mason, I didn't mean to worry you. But I have something to tell you...
About the attack." Looking down now scared of his reaction, scared I'll lose my soulmate.
Before I know it he's by my side and lifting my head up with his finger, and kisses me gently to reassure my that hell love me no mater what happens that nothing would change that.
"Alright what was it you wanted to tell me?"
Looking in his eyes for reassurance, I nod and start my story about my brother and dad and how I had led them strait to us, by the end I was crying again. All he did was nod and pull me closer and hug me rubbing my back gently and telling me I wasn't my fault lay I couldn't have known. "Thank you, I love you Mason" is all I get out before falling asleep in his protective hold once more.
Ok I know it's short, and I'm sorry about that, but I believe this would be a good place to end this chapter. Again thanks for reading and comment and tell me how I'm doing. This chapter, is for all my friends or anyone who feels like everything is there fault, that they aren't worth crap, that they deserve whatever the world throws at them. But please hang in there nothing is as bad as it seems and it will get better. And if anyone ever needs to talk, I'm always here if needed. Anyway As always have a good day.
~the wannabe writer~

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