2. New Acquaintances

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I woke up the next morning, bright eyed and bushy tails. Not than I have one.

I wanted to get out and do this thing. I was so hungry, I mean like seriously, I've been living on half a bread roll every two days. Starving!

I headed downstairs to find out the plan for tonight.

"So. What's happening?" I asked while plopping onto a chair. "We strike tonight." Fong explained. "Ok that's great, but are you gonna tell me where we are going?" I asked again. "No. You'll find out when we get there." He said simply.

I huffed and left the matter alone. I brushed my fingers through my soft, shoulder-length, white hair. It was quiet until someone crashed into the room, slamming the door open.

"Fong!" He yelled as he walked up to him. "What're you doing just sitting around?! I told you that I need you to be on the streets finding out whatever you can for me to tell my master." He demanded.

I stood up from the chair. Readying myself for battle if needed. Though I did not entirely care for anyone but myself, if anyone who I didn't know threatened the purple dragons, I've got a problem. And they would know about it.

"Hey! Who're you?!" I yelled at him. He slowly turned to face me and grabbed a pocket knife from his back pocket and swung it around in his hand a little. Trying to intimidate me, sorry mate, it wasn't working.

"You do not question me! Who is above you!" He threatened as he walked towards me. "Oh we'll see who's above who in a minute." I said. His face turned to pure anger. He charged at me and I flew upwards floating in the air. I looked down at him. "Yeh, pretty sure I'm above now, ay mate?" I said teasingly. "Fong! Who is she?!" He demanded for answers. "Th-that's Breeze. She has wind powers, and she's really powerful. So we offered her a place in the purple dragons." He explained nervously.

"Well, Breeze, my name is Xever. I own this town. And the purple dragons for that matter. So get down right now." He quietly ordered. I did as he said, slowly lowering to the ground.

"Your powers are quite amusing." He said as he walked towards me. We were now face to face. "You got that right." I retorted back, looking to my right. He obviously didn't enjoy my comment because when I turned back he punched me in the cheek, making me fly backwards and fall down.

I stared at him, right in the eyes, ready to tear him limb from limb. "You better learn to speak to me with more respect, or else you'll be getting greater punishments than a punch to you pretty, little face!" He threatened.

I got up ready to fight, but Fong grabbed my arm. "Enough." He said. I tore my arm from his grip but did not attack.

Xever smirked at me. "Now, what plans do you have for this evening?" He started. "Well we're gonna go attack that restaurant down that way and score some more food." Fong explained, pointing in the general location of the restaurant.

"Hmm, very well. But do be careful." He warned. "Ugh, why?!" I scoffed. Did he not just see that I can handle myself? "Well, there are, how do I put it. . . mutant turtles roaming the city. And they seem to care deeply for this city so attacking a restaurant may gain their attention." He explained. "Mutant turtles? How hard could that be?" I asked getting a bit full of myself. "Did I mention they know ninjutsu." He finished. "No. No you didn't." I said. He smirked and left the building.

(Time jump)

We walked along the rooftops, well I flew. And then Fong raised his hand to signal for us to stop. "Here it is." He said with a devious smile. I gave a look of confusion and he pointed down to where an all too familiar restaurant was sitting.

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