16. Sides

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General Narration

While Raphael and Breeze had their little quarrel, neither of them were paying enough attention to notice the two peeping eyes watching them the whole time.


After watching Raphael leave right after Breeze she ran back to Shredders lair. She opened the doors to the main throne room and walked towards her father, who was sitting in his throne. She knelt on one knee.

"Father, I have news on Breeze, the one who possess the wind abilities." She explained. Shredder's head popped up from where it rested on his fist. "What news?" He asked purely interested. "She seems to have. . . lost herself. I witnessed her and Raphael fighting in an alleyway. He kept on saying things like 'this isn't you' I believe something has happened to her and she's not herself." She continued. "Hmmm this is most interesting, perhaps this would be a good time to re-invite her to the Foot Clan, having her on my side would be a great advantage." Shredder said evilly. "Exactly what I was thinking." Karai replied. "Would you like me to fetch her and bring her to the lair?" She proposed. "No. I wish to get her myself, prepare the foot, you and them will accompany me. I wish to see what she is truly capable of." Shredder ordered. "As you wish father, I will prepare the ninja." She bowed and left the room.

Karai prepared the foot for their next task and informed Shredder that they were ready to move out. Shredder readied himself and they all left in search for Breeze.


Breeze flew through the streets of New York, not completely sure of what to do. She'd scared off most the purple dragons and lower criminals, and hadn't seen any of the turtles ever since her meet up with Raphael.

She lowered herself onto a nearby rooftop and started walking along the side. She stopped after a little while and stared over New York City. She closed her eyes taking in the smells and breeze and sounds that surrounded her. She then heard something that was out of place. A scraping noise, like metal. She spun around and saw Karai dragging her blade on the concrete rooftop.

"Hey Breeze! Remember me?" She asked menacingly. "Yeh I do." Breeze replied back simply. Soon enough the rest of her foot clan appeared behind her, perching themselves and awaiting Karai's orders. They started stalking each other as they walked in a circular motion, watching each others every move. "What do you want this time Karai?" Breeze asked, wanting to get to the point. "The same as last time." Karai replied. "You foot really don't learn do you?" Breeze spat. "Yes, well we thought you'd have a different mind this time." Karai said slyly. "I work alone, not with foot." She replied. Karai smirked, "I think your choice will change." After the words left her mouth she raised her hand and pointed forward indicating to the foot soldiers to attack.

They all ran at Breeze at once, she wasn't slow, they were quite predictable actually. Breeze knew how this was going to play out. She hovered a few centimeters off the ground and spun around rapidly creating mini winds, like a tornado, that spun out from her and hit all the foot that surrounded her. Her powerful hits knocked all of the foot soldiers down and they were out cold. "I don't think you've realized, but I've gotten stronger since our last encounter." Breeze informed her. Karai simply smirked and nodded. "I can see that." She said whilst readying her own blade. Breeze formed a sharp sword with her powers and took stance. "That's new." Karai said, sounding impressed. They ran at each other and collided.

They fought viciously for a while, Breeze never showing any signs of weakness. She managed to roundhouse kick Karai and she fell to the floor. Breeze was about to strike the final blow and end Karai. But as she brought her makeshift sword downwards, something stopped her. She looked to her left and saw Shredder. He held out his blade gauntlets catching Breeze's blade in his own blades. "Shredder." Breeze hissed. "I have come to offer you a place with the Foot Clan once more." He explained. "I know." She replied. "But I'm not joining, there's nothing in it for me, I don't see any positive or upside in joining you." She said.

Shredder flung his gauntlet up and tossed Breezes sword away from her. As it left her hands it started fading and finally disappeared. Breeze looked furiously at Shredder as she lost her weapon. "I believe you dislike the turtles." He started. As soon as he mentioned the turtles the darker, more lost side of Breeze took over. "Yes! I despise the turtles! Hate them!" She spat. "Join me and we will put an end to the turtles." He said. Breeze froze, thinking of her options. She did want to end the turtles. But she wasn't too keen on working with the foot...and for Shredder. She didn't like the idea of being tied down and listening to orders and most of all being below someone.

Silence followed after as she thought hard about her decision.

"I'll do it." She finally agreed. Shredder was most pleased as an evil smirk made its way across his face. "Wise decision. Together we will stop the turtles and end them." He said evilly. "Welcome to the foot." Karai welcomed Breeze. They all headed back to Shredders lair.

Once they entered the throne room Dogpound and fish face were awaiting their masters return. When fish face laid eyes on Breeze he jumped high up in the air and stuck his leg out ready to pin Breeze to the floor once he landed. She spotted him above her and rapidly raised a hand up sending wind currents at fish face over and over, pinning him to the roof as a result.

"Xever! Breeze is on our side now." Shredder explained. "Wait.. That's Xever?!" Breeze questioned. She knew Xever as a human not as a mutant. "Yes, I was mutated a little while ago, but now I am stronger so don't even dare to think about crossing me!" He threatened. "Excuse me but your the one pinned to the roof of this room." She replied back letting him go as he fell to the floor. She smirked when he groaned in pain. She still despised him.

"No one is to make any attack on Breeze while she's with us!" Shredder ordered. They all nodded in understanding.

As his decibels nodded their heads Shredder looked back at Karai and Breeze. "Now we plan our attack on the turtles."

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