9. Closer

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Raph and I were sparring, no weapons, in the dojo today.

I'd beaten him three times!. . . . But he'd beaten me eighteen times.

He pinned me to the ground, with me on my stomach facing the ground. He held my left arm out so I couldn't use it. He leaned over me.

"I win. Again." He said proud of himself. "Agh- yeh yeh I know! Now will you let me go?" I pleaded. "Not until you say it." He demanded. "What?! But that's Mikeys thing!" I protested. "Well if you want me to get off I suggest you say it." He said.

I groaned. "Raphael is all wise and powerful."

"Aaaand?" He sang

"And he's better than me in every possible way!"


"And I'm a lowly worm beneath his feet who isn't fit to live on the same planet as him because he's so amazing and I'm a dirt clod!" I said desperately.

"Ok that's enough that'll do." He said as he got off me. I rolled onto my back holding my left arm. Wincing.

I opened my eyes and found Raphs hand in front of my face. Offering help to get up. I took his hand and he lifted me up from the floor.

I smiled at him as he flashed a small smile and we both left the dojo.

The others were watching Space Heroes so Raph and I joined them. Raph broke down the cartoon for me since I had no clue what was happening.

"Shhhhh!" Leo hushed.

"I'm hungry! I want some popcorn!" Raph whined. I smiled and raised my hand slowly turning it left and right.

Raphael looked at me quizzically until a giant back of popcorn popped in front of his face levitating.

"Thanks Breeze!" He thanked. "Your welcome." I said while taking a handful of popcorn from the bag.

We watched the show for another 20 minutes and then it ended.

"That. Was. Amazing!" Leo cheered.

"Eh, a little too sci-fi for my liking." I admitted. "Hah! In your face Leo! I'm not the only one who thinks that!" Raph yelled to his older brother. I giggled quietly. Leo just rolled his eyes and headed to the dojo.

"Oh yeh I just remembered!" Mikey cheered as he jumped off the couch and headed up top. We all looked at each other quizzically. 

About five minutes later, he reappeared holding a small cardboard box.

"Raph! You remember that day when I set up that prank and you set It off when you left your room and the bucket dropped honey on you and then two pillows got whacked in your face and the feathers stuck to you and I played the chicken dance song?" Mikey said in one breath. I stared at him wide eyed and amazed.

". . . Yes. .  " Raph said through clenched teeth.

"Well! I got you something to make up for it!" Mikey exclaimed with a wide smile and held the box out in front of him.

Raph looked at him, narrowing his eyes on the box. "How do I know this isn't another prank?" He said suspiciously.

"Because!" Mikey started, opening up the box. He reached his hand into the box and pulled  something out. "They're 'Modern Ninja' magazines!" Mikey cheered.

Raphael's eyes widened with joy. As did mine. That was the latest issue. Omg!

I flew straight towards Mikey, full speed and grabbed the magazine. "Woah! Mikey how'd you get these?!" I asked. "I ordered them and asked them to deliver it to the street near a manhole cover." He explained.

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