12. New Friends And. . . Enemies?

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I was chilling on the couch playing with my shoulder length hair. I twirled it around my finger and started plaiting little strands and taking them out and repeating the process.

Mikey ran and jumped on the make shift couch next to me startling me slightly.

"Yo Cassie! Whaddup?!" Mikey cheered. "Nothin much." I replied back watching Mikey fumble with something in front of the TV. "What're you doin'?" I questioned.

"Guess what came in the sewer mail today?!" Mikey yelled with excitement. I shrugged at him. "Mortal Kombat X!!" He cheered, jumping up and down. Mortal Kombat X? The latest one?! "Is that the latest one?" I asked, trying to contain my excitement. "Yeh. You know Mortal Kombat?" He asked. "When Murikami used to look after me I had a few video games to preoccupy myself with." I smirked at him.

"Awesome! Wanna verse?" He asked evilly swinging the controller in front of my face. "Gladly." I replied in my own evil tone, grabbing the controller. "You are going down." I intimidated. "We'll see." Mikey said playfully.

We were brought up to the character selection.

"Who will you choose?" I questioned Mikey, putting on my best Raiden voice. "I choose. . . Takeda!" He said in his own Takeda voice.

I thought for a minute trying to remember which character I had the best combo attacks with. Then I remembered. I selected my character.

"Erron Black huh?" Mikey said. "Erron Black all the way. He's the best." I replied. "I don't know about that, Takedas pretty pimped out." He continued. I giggled at his comment.

The game brought us to the loading screen and then the fighting arena. "FIGHT!" The TV spoke. I jumped around and shot Mikeys character with my revolvers. Man how I missed playing Mortal Kombat.

After a few more minutes of button smashing I finally won. "Wooh! Go me!" I cheered doing a mini victory dance. Mikey slumped on the couch trying to process what just happened. "How?. . . " he whispered to himself. I giggled at him.

Suddenly Raph and Donnie entered.

"What're you two doing?" Donnie asked. "Mortal Kombat X! We're playing it now." I explained. "And I just beat Mikey!" I cheered proudly.

"Hah! Your win streak will be 0 once I'm done!" Raph snickered. I smirked at him. "I don't think you realise how bad I just beat Mikeys shell." I taunted. "Just play." He laughed. I threw a controller at him and the screen took us back to character selection.

Once again I went with Erron. Raph went with Scorpion. Hmm.

"Scorpions really good. . . " I started. "Hah yeh why do you think I chose him?" He snickered. ". . . In the right hands!" I finished. He growled a little and turned to the TV. I chuckled at him.

We started in an intense battle each getting in fantastic combos. Time for a fatality. I smashed the buttons in the right order and BOOM. Fatality.

I sat back and crossed my arms as I watched my beautiful Erron kick Scorpions ass! I turned to Raph and saw him staring at the TV wide eyed and mouth open.

"FATALITY!" The TV said.

I just sat there and smirked at Raphael. "How? What? Why?! Arghh?!!" He yelled in frustration. I laughed at him. "It's cool Raph, you're still better than Mikey." I pointed out. Raph smirked at Mikey. "Hey!" Mikey whined.

"Guys time for our night patrol." Leo interrupted us. "Yes!" Both Raph and I cheered in unison. I loved night patrol, sometimes there was action, sometimes there wasn't. But I got to get out and fly around. The wind on my face and the stars shining in the dark sky.

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