A/N issues

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SO! My dedication to this book has gotten the better of me.

I was in bed, supposed to be sleeping, but I was writing up the next chapter of this book and my mum came in and confiscated my phone!

So updates will be slower than usual. I do have my phone during school tho, so I will type AS MUCH AS I CAN within the six hours, while also paying attention in class. 😂 dw I can multi task.

So please please please please stay with me. I will do my best to update and I'll let u lovelies know when I get my phone back.

Hopefully I can get my laptop fixed and then I can write the chapters on there.

I'll update you guys on how it's going.

But, for your help and what not I shall post a chapter with this A/N to give you somethin to read hope you enjoy the chapter, vote and comment what you liked or even didn't like I'm open to your suggestions and everything else!!

Thankyou for reading have a lovely week!!

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